Posted June 29, 2018

However, nowadays I consider it only to have historical value, a bit like Ultima 1. Yes it has very clunky controls compared to modern FPS games, its game-engine is very limiting and even laughable (like the up/down thing you mentioned) etc. If I want a somewhat similar but more modern experience, I'd rather play e.g. the Serious Sam games.
So yeah, I can fully understand why Doom 1-2 wouldn't wow modern gamers. It should be put into a museum to show kids what their grand-grand-parents played when they were kids, and then the kids can feel sorry for their ancestors that they had to put up with such games.
Original Dooms are still probably one of the best FPSes these days. Historical value my ass. You'd put into a museum a game with one of the longest living ACTIVE gaming communities in existence. I can download a new megawad right now and just switch off for a few days and enjoy one of the best shooters to date. I feel sorry for current gamers for not having experienced the 90s FPSes and they probably never will which is sad. Heck, I started playing Doom seriously after year 2000 and the only things that can compete from after 2000 FPSes are Return to Castle Wolfenstein and Serious Sams.
Clunky controls depends entirely on the person. I have no trouble playing Doom on keyboard only for example. I found mouse extremely clunky and unfit for the game.
And no, I'm not talking through nostalgia glasses. If I want to have a good time and shoot some things I load up Doom. I have no desire to ever replay current shooters (except in rare cases). I could replay Doom infinitely but I don't even have to do that as there is an insane supply of expertly crafted community levels.
And Doom 4 didn't amaze me in the slightest. I'd still load up the original rather than the new one.
Post edited June 29, 2018 by idbeholdME