Posted January 18, 2018

bong hits for beelzebub
Registered: Jan 2016
From United States

Registered: Dec 2012
From Germany
Posted January 18, 2018

"Loved that back then, great to see it here"
"Nostalgia is big on this one, def needed a remaster"
"One of the best games of the late 90s / early 2000s"

Meanwhile, the 1-stars quoted above are all manbaby whining unrelated to the quality of either the game or the remaster, and two of them openly admit to not having played the remaster.

New User
Registered: Mar 2014
From Norway
Posted January 20, 2018
Almost all of the 5 star reviews for Siege of Dragonspear popped up within a day or two of the Beamdog CEO begging for positive reviews. He blamed the crap reviews on some GamerGate offensive against the company.
Right after April 3rd, to be exact.
Funny how he claims all the criticism is directed towards the trans cleric too, despite almost none of the reviews actually mentioning that bit.
Beamdog will release their EE version of Neverwinter Nights soon, I guess. And they dont want people pointing out what a shit company they are. Might harm the sales.
Right after April 3rd, to be exact.
Funny how he claims all the criticism is directed towards the trans cleric too, despite almost none of the reviews actually mentioning that bit.
Beamdog will release their EE version of Neverwinter Nights soon, I guess. And they dont want people pointing out what a shit company they are. Might harm the sales.
Post edited January 20, 2018 by Stig79

New User
Registered: Mar 2014
From Norway
Posted January 20, 2018
Simple solution though, Just make a new GoGmix with no offensive words in it.

Registered: Jan 2012
From United States
Posted January 20, 2018
Would "leech" work without getting the parasites upset?

🇺🇦 🇺🇦 🇺🇦 🇺🇦
Registered: May 2010
From Germany
Posted January 20, 2018

We're on page nine of this thread.
Water's wet and fronzelneekburm is outraged. That's the sole reason he's still here even though he vocally pledged to leave the forum forever upon seeing the new community guidelines.
We know that GOG allows criticism of its business clients.
Maybe way too much. I haven't seen any kind of crackdown on e.g. the most slanderous and imbecile of conspiracy theories surrounding Double Fine.
I feel very comfortable criticising a whole lot of developers on this forum, sometimes harshly. Developers whose games I buy and love. Daedalic, RTG, CD Project Red, Electronic Arts, Double Fine, Harebrained Schemes, Revolution, Telltale, Ubisoft. They're pulling off shit once in a while, I slap them for it.
But I don't go making "GOG mixes" only to mock, deride and slander.
I'm not writing one star game reviews only for petty political reasons.
I'm not making forum threads whining "Look at the shit this developer has pulled" to organize boycott.
We have been aware for a long time that GOG, because of its "hands off policy", has a massive problem with all sorts of xenophobic arsonsists, including gamergate supporters, Trump supporters, and supporters of the identarian movement right down to outright nazis.
I don't feel particularly great supporting a company like that.
I can't imagine how their business clients must feel supporting it.
It's good that GOG at least tries to weed out some of the most overtly slanderous occurrences of criticism. To this hour I don't even understand how a "Beamdog is the parasite of the industry" GOG mix is even supposed to make sense. A GOG mix is supposed to recommend games to other players. It's "A new way to discover classics", that's what it says in the fucking description. It's supposed to outright foster positivity. Instead, GOG allows countless, and I mean countless, GOG mixes that foster negativity and gamer entitlement as if that was the primary use of GOG mixes. We have several "games that aren't updated" mixes, "games that rip you off" mixes, "games I puke on" mixes and to this day at least one that tries to ridicule feminist criticism of video games (while the user who created it has thankfully left the forums the day the gamergate thread was finally closed. He was here for exactly this kind of negativity, and only for this kind of negativity, and boy that uniquely hateful person really seems to sadly have had nothing else in his life).
What's next, a "30 fps police" GOG mix? Or do we have that shit already anyway?
The "parasites" of the industry are clearly Valve, Warner and Electronic Arts, OK?
Not some indie dev with a handful of freelance co-workers whose games you happen to not like for whatever reason.
Post edited January 20, 2018 by Vainamoinen

Registered: Jan 2012
From United States
Posted January 20, 2018

What is a parasite? A creature that latches on and feeds on another. BeamDog has latched on to classic RPGs from Bioware to profit off of them with poor work and shady behavior.
You may not like the label or apparently understand it... but it sure as hell fits.

A Horrible Human Person. If you need me, chat.
Registered: Apr 2011
From Greece

Registered: Jan 2012
From United States
Posted January 20, 2018
Do they do poor work and have shady behavior when criticized for it? My experience with them is limited to the Strife rerelease which was of high quality with actual issues fixed... but like I said that is fairly limited exposure to Nightdive.

🇺🇦 🇺🇦 🇺🇦 🇺🇦
Registered: May 2010
From Germany
Posted January 20, 2018
Apparently not, seeing that you not only failed to explain how a "Beamdog is the parasite of the industry" GOG mix is "a new way to discover the classics" (which is what a GOG mix is), and therewith failed to "VERY simply" explain how this mix made any sense whatsoever — no, you also had to spice it up with an obvious lie about Beamdog not creating original content to make your point.
It was original content specifically that got the gamergate jackasses on the train to Outragesville.
But you know that already, because of course you do, you'll condemn the lack of original content today, then condemn the original content tomorrow, or both on the same day, whatever, your argument doesn't matter as long as you keep that finish line fascism in clear sight, maybe ask your peeps how to proceed right now, I don't know, just don't reply to me any more, I'm just tired of these exchanges with personified gamer entitlement that always rap back to version 0.0 after less than half an hour. Maybe take off that red hat, let's hope your brain regenerates in a decade or so. I'm not a doctor though. Good luck anyway!
It was original content specifically that got the gamergate jackasses on the train to Outragesville.
But you know that already, because of course you do, you'll condemn the lack of original content today, then condemn the original content tomorrow, or both on the same day, whatever, your argument doesn't matter as long as you keep that finish line fascism in clear sight, maybe ask your peeps how to proceed right now, I don't know, just don't reply to me any more, I'm just tired of these exchanges with personified gamer entitlement that always rap back to version 0.0 after less than half an hour. Maybe take off that red hat, let's hope your brain regenerates in a decade or so. I'm not a doctor though. Good luck anyway!

Registered: Dec 2012
From Germany
Posted January 20, 2018
They don't make the original versions of the games they re-release available, prevent Samuel "Kaiser" Villarreal from releasing source that would naturally add multi-platform support like happened with Doom 64 EX, he surely would have released source for his Turok remaster that was bought by Nightdive as well as the others, now it's locked to Windows.
At least their PR scheme also isn't shutting down criticism and begging for positive ratings with political reasoning, although that seems to appeal to people like Vainamoinen and the hate groups those belong to, they hired good coders and didn't remove already existing games here and bundle them with their new versions to force people to buy those for multiple times the price if they want to get the originals like Beamdog did.
So, yeah a parasite too, but another kind.
At least their PR scheme also isn't shutting down criticism and begging for positive ratings with political reasoning, although that seems to appeal to people like Vainamoinen and the hate groups those belong to, they hired good coders and didn't remove already existing games here and bundle them with their new versions to force people to buy those for multiple times the price if they want to get the originals like Beamdog did.
So, yeah a parasite too, but another kind.
Post edited January 20, 2018 by Klumpen0815

A Horrible Human Person. If you need me, chat.
Registered: Apr 2011
From Greece
Posted January 20, 2018
A parasite is one that profits from the work of others. I don't think NDS has developed any titles yet, though there is System Shock planned for 2018 (and I think they were also developing another game that was scrapped, but can't recall what atm).
So for the "doing poor work" part, they don't seem to have done any work so far (other than untangling the rights and publishing of course, which is quite important).
GreasyDogMeat: My experience with them is limited to the Strife rerelease which was of high quality with actual issues fixed... but like I said that is fairly limited exposure to Nightdive. No exposure to System Shock (any of them)? No exposure to Wizardry? To Harvester? To Humongous Entertainment games? Turok? Shadow Man? Hell, they even publish the Tex Murphy games.
Steam lists Night Dive Studios as publisher for 102 titles, though most of those on GOG have different publishers. But I guess that's not parasitic behavior.
So for the "doing poor work" part, they don't seem to have done any work so far (other than untangling the rights and publishing of course, which is quite important).

Steam lists Night Dive Studios as publisher for 102 titles, though most of those on GOG have different publishers. But I guess that's not parasitic behavior.

Registered: Jan 2012
From United States
Posted January 20, 2018

As for the original content, they have SIX rereleases and a SINGLE expansion of low quality.

I sat threw the incredibly slow updates.
I bought a second copy to support them.
I bought every BD release day one... to support them despite the poor work they were doing updating and fixing issues.
I ignored that the writing for the new characters was of poor quality. Things will improve with time and funds.
I ignored the controversy with the character... even though I don't like that kind of pandering.
The straw that broke the camel's back? The behavior they took towards critics. The hypocrisy, censoring and banning.
You're what you think I am... a partisan hack.

Registered: Jan 2012
From United States
Posted January 20, 2018
low rated
When I call BeamDog a parasite I also do so in reference to their behavior and poor work.
But yeah, by that definition you could call NightDive a parasite of the industry. I wouldn't as I'd consider the quality of their work and behavior (personally haven't seen anything negative from them) has been good.
JMich: No exposure to System Shock (any of them)? No exposure to Wizardry? To Harvester? To Humongous Entertainment games? Turok? Shadow Man? Hell, they even publish the Tex Murphy games. Turok... again a great remaster.
JMich: Steam lists Night Dive Studios as publisher for 102 titles, though most of those on GOG have different publishers. But I guess that's not parasitic behavior. You tell me. If NightDive starts releasing remakes that add content messing with the lore, attack/ban critics and/or release products that are buggier than initial versions I'd be 'happy' to longer buy anything from them and call them parasites as well.
I know BeamDog... I'm not sure what you're trying to get at with NightDive. I'm not as familiar with them and their actions.
But yeah, by that definition you could call NightDive a parasite of the industry. I wouldn't as I'd consider the quality of their work and behavior (personally haven't seen anything negative from them) has been good.

I know BeamDog... I'm not sure what you're trying to get at with NightDive. I'm not as familiar with them and their actions.

A Horrible Human Person. If you need me, chat.
Registered: Apr 2011
From Greece
Posted January 20, 2018

That if by parasite you meant someone that profits from other people's work, NDS also fits that bill. They may have better products than Beamdog and may handle criticism better, but calling one a parasite while not the other would be hypocritical. But you don't consider profiting from someone else's work as being a parasite (you need more conditions to consider one a parasite), so no hypocrisy there.