Posted January 14, 2018
low rated

This is GOG.... there is no method to rename GOG Mixes as far as I'm aware, hence deleting it and making a new one is the only option. (...)
Please don't tell me you actually think that.
As for my GOGmix, they've only deleted it after I've added Neverwinter Nights to the list, somehow it didn't bother them for almost a year (I've added this gogmix the moment Beamdog has hijacked Planescape Torment:, so it was in Febrauary or March 2017). And it's been on the top this whole time and several Beamdog fanboys complained about it and asked GOG why do they allow this. But GOG doesn't give a rat's ass about their customers so it's not surprising they didn't comply until Beamdog told them to do so.