Psyken: Why don't you want me to play your games gog, i mean cmon everytime i try to sign in on gog galaxy it says, it failed due to ''an error ocurred during your sign in'', you can't do this to me a bunch of players have the same issue yet you ignore them? i send a message to the support it got totally ignored, i tried everything router, firewall, antivirus, uninstall, cache logs, comand line comands such as ''winsock reset'' nothing works but i mean why would you help us, your getting money and you probably don't even care.
I just wanted to play gwent but you seem to not want me as a player, i would like to know why since clearly my stuff/compter isn't the problem.
I need your help is something so hard to ask like i just want to play a bit. :(
Thx for reading,
Hey, please try this at first: Are you sure you have tried to disable all firewalls?
Quoting the support article:
Lastly, make sure that you have all essential Windows Updates installed. Some of our users have reported that their systems were outdated, and installing updates solved this problem.
If it doesn't help - send your logs to then we can say anything about your issue. Please briefly describe what solutions you have tried.