tinyE: Yeah that is a problem. If you already have the game you get a code, and that's easy. Not sure what to tell you about having already on your account though.
I've already contacted support to see if they will give me a gift code for'em.
I also would like to trade, thing is I bought 4 games all together and now I have only one certificate number for them.
If anyone is willing to trade all four games to one or several of equivalent price my trade offer's below.
What I have:
- Hotline Miami (1.39Eur)
- Shadowrun: Dragonfall ( 2.69Eur)
- Door Kickers (2.69Eur)
- Transistor (4.79)
-----------------------------------Total (11.56Eur)
I would like: (the following are different options since I can only trade all 4 games together)
- Invisible Inc (10.09Eur) (if you are willing to trade also C.Plan (2.99Eur) I would be delighted)
- Read Only Memories (8.79Eur) or Sunless Sea (8.39Eur) or Stories: The path of Destinies (9.29Eur) or Shovel Knight (8.79Eur)
- Sword of the Stars: The Pit (1.29Eur)
- Curious Expedition, The (11.19Eur)
- Enter the Gungeon (13.49Eur)
I would also like to ask if there is someone known here in the community that has served in the past as an intermediary and that would be willing to make the deal if someone accepts my offer.
Many thanks!