morolf: All without the slightest basis in international law (believe it or not, the US doesn't have some god-given right to just attack whomever it deems to be "evil").
After the last 15 years it should be clear to anyone that this will end badly but then you guys just never learn.
vsr: Obama to UN: 'Some May Disagree, But I Believe America is Exceptional' Cenotaph77777: Just those who defend what allows these attacks to happen in the first place. "diversity, mass immigration, etc"
timppu: This is all very confusing now, as I am actually more leaning towards tighter immigration control (especially with asylum seekers travelling through the Europe).
At the same time though, I don't want to associate myself with true nutcases, so I guess that's where the rub is. Oh well.
Only nutcases are real! everybody else is false.