JDelekto: I believe that I have some games that GOG no longer lists on their catalog for various reasons; yes, they did do a great "un-bundling" in the past which increased the count of games. However, looking at my shelf, it shows 1350.
Gede: Do you ever find yourself with nothing to play? Or do you spend half an hour selecting "the right game to play at this moment"?
Actually, I find myself downloading the updates to games more than anything! I occasionally go through the list of the ones I know I haven't tried, look them up on the store page to see the reviews and look at any screenshots/trailers. There will be that "OK, I want to try that one now!" game.
While I have a large external 3TB drive I keep all the games (and their downloadable extras) backed up on, I don't have that much space on the drive which they are installed, so I have to swap games out from time to time. As far as games I've recently played, "Anna's Quest" was one of them and I'm really looking forward to playing "Night of the Rabbit" over the holidays, the trailer for that one looked awesome.
Fortunately I have some vacation time coming up after next week. :)