BeatriceElysia: I have been thinking about running my passwords through those "how strong is your passwords" but I wonder "how safe those sites are".
I wouldn't, if i were you. Try spoofing: replace letters with other letters, numbers with other numbers, symbols with other symbols. Then you don't have to worry.
On the flip side, password security is a joke. If you get compromised once, that pass is toast. Meanwhile, what we're really testing for is how "guessable" your password is. If it is a common word, acronym, or euphemism, it's guessable. Some sites make certain features of passwords mandatory (like must use numbers), which actually makes passwords using them less secure (since we know there must be a number, so the required number is usually either a "favorite number" or the number "1" or the birth year or the year the account was created. If the password must be at least a certain number of characters, you can cut down on possibilities that way, too.
That said, something like o4ta5f is something i came up with by smashing the keyboard twice and if you managed to memorize something of that format, i doubt anyone would break into it, but at the same time it would be considered "weak" and wouldn't even pass most password requirements.