Hello folks!
Here goes the second sunday hint (
okay, it's a bit late...):
Remember the last hint I gave about all games being from Humble Bundles? Well, here's a list of them:
- Humble Bundle with Android 5
- Humble Bundle: PC and Android 10
- Humble Bundle: PC and Android 8
- Humble Indie Bundle 11
- Humble Indie Bundle 9
- Humble Jumbo Bundle
- Humble Jumbo Bundle 4
- Humble Origin Bundle
- Humble Rhythm Weekly Sale
- Humble Square Enix Bundle 2
- Humble WB Games Bundle
- Humble Weekly Sale: Arcen Games
- Humble Weekly Sale: Frozenbyte
- Humble Weekly Sale: Hosted by PewDiePie
- Humble Weekly Sale: The Adventure Company and Friends
This starts
Phase 4. Everyone has 2 guesses again.
doronnorod: What the ??
Did the rep of generous OP just drop by 10 or something ??
Actually about 30 xD. Was at ~40 for a few minutes a week back or so.
Whatever. It means nothing. Except I seem to have stepped on someone's toes :)
I wonder where it will end up...