Posted October 02, 2015

RIP Roy 01/07/2023
Registered: Jan 2011
From United States

Cute User
Registered: Jul 2012
From Russian Federation
Posted October 02, 2015

Quoting from that reddit link:
"If you want to change the situation, then lobby for it. You have to engage politcally to solve this problem, and can't blame GOG for not breaking the law or returning to a de juro illegal situation that was merely tolerated so far because it has not been investigated. The language they offer has nothing to do with this, specifically: Reverting to the "old" site does not enable GOG to sell these titles."
I think you took my words too close to heart, because you know that you aren't really good lawyer... As I wrote above, you and others, who bash GOG and Bethesda, could simply offer them your assistance as it seems you are familiar with this subject much more than them.
And even your sources basically say - those games are OK for selling if it is done from "under the desk" if you directly ask the seller. There is no such thing for e-shops, everything is "on the desk" basically.

Registered: Jan 2012
From United States
Posted October 02, 2015
I'll just say this...looking at the list the OP made...very few of those games would be here without regional prices or the changes GoG made. So in essence, he is boycotting for next to nothing. Because if you had your way, you wouldn't be buying these games here anyway...

Registered: Sep 2011
From United States
Posted October 02, 2015
You're using logic! Heresy!
user deleted
Vulcan Captain
Registered: May 2013
From United States
Posted October 02, 2015

New User
Registered: Jun 2013
From Other
Posted October 02, 2015

I need an outlet for my feelings and not be reprimanded by logic.

New User
Registered: Feb 2014
From Other
Posted October 02, 2015

Quoting from that reddit link:
"If you want to change the situation, then lobby for it. You have to engage politcally to solve this problem, and can't blame GOG for not breaking the law or returning to a de juro illegal situation that was merely tolerated so far because it has not been investigated. The language they offer has nothing to do with this, specifically: Reverting to the "old" site does not enable GOG to sell these titles."
I think you took my words too close to heart, because you know that you aren't really good lawyer... As I wrote above, you and others, who bash GOG and Bethesda, could simply offer them your assistance as it seems you are familiar with this subject much more than them.
And even your sources basically say - those games are OK for selling if it is done from "under the desk" if you directly ask the seller. There is no such thing for e-shops, everything is "on the desk" basically.
The law for e-shops is called JMStV... also already mentioned before and what was also already mentioned before is that GOG is not affected as a store not based in Germany by this. GOG is not affected by the JMStV which is for digital articles and not affected by the JuSchG which is for retail copies because both laws end at the german border which can be read in those specific laws for people who don't believe it. I also told you I'am not a lawyer there is a difference between studying law and working as a lawyer in Germany but I don't know how it is in Russia.
Bethesdas games are great (I own all of them and even pre-ordered Fallout 4) but how they treat german customers in some non GOG related cases is not ok (as Russian you should know the only playable in RU/CIS when it comes to Steam well there is something like that for Germany in the other direction which is only used by Bethesda and Square Enix). I also don't bash or boycott GOG I disagree with their argument about the reason being a law because I know and proved that it isn't a law but a Publisher decision. Besides that it's the words that matter to me not that the games not being available in the german GOG store.
Such actions only end in bad publicty which was also the case when the Commandos series was removed from the german GOG store or when Bethesda completely blocked the new Wolfenstein games for Steam (no installation and playing with german IP).
Post edited October 02, 2015 by DanTheKraut

Linux Adventurer
Registered: Nov 2011
From Other
Posted October 02, 2015
Again and again some participants here relativize the actions of GOG until everythings seems fine and logic. But there is in fact nothing really fine: Had a look on "Blood Rayne 1" for example? And what about "Quake 2" or " Quake 3" which are not that problem? I say: That is another principle made now useless by GOG and Bethesda. Thanks for that! :-(

Слава России! ура́
Registered: Apr 2012
From Other
Posted October 02, 2015
Yeah, initially i was bothered myself, too. Preordering games like the Witcher 3, steam-style (but from gog), with exclusive preorder content, really startled me and made me upset. Yet, thankfully, game turned out to be a masterpiece and i returned to normal. Paying for game's extras, steam-style, like that godforsaken STRATEGY GUIDE of Witcher 3 overpriced at 30 euros day 1 price, where and when 1 and 2 offered strategy guide for free on game shelf and even the retail boxes (at least of 2 which i had bought) had one free hard-cover inside, almost did it for me; back then i almost quit gog. Yet, a pirate uploaded that strategy guide for free and i grabbed it, so no quitting gog.
Regional pricing was one major flaw of gog's doing, especially since it went again one of the main, initial principles. Yet, in this hell hole i live, luxury items and specifically games, had always been overpriced, at least the retail stuff. So fleecing me as a customer is nothing new and i can thankfully, as of yet, afford it. Happily too, i might add, since most games i bought on gog i already owned retail anyways and ALWAYS, craved them for a DRM-free copy/backup. Plus they give store credit bonus.
Lock of trading, steam style, is really upsetting and i agree. But they have an argument; fraudulent transactions and exploitations. Enraging as is, alas, nothing can be done from our part. Plus, personally, i don't exactly have many pals online, especially from other countries (well, actually, i DO have, but for social media purposes and other types of "games", not *video* games, he he), so, selfish as is, it leaves me totally indiferent.
I got angry and sad when certain members here, mentioned, that much like as in steam, in some rare cases and occasions here, certain games have been "updated" from their developer, but said updated inflicted CONTENT REMOVAL and INTENDED. I found out this thorn on our backside, when i discussed the "Steam update removes soundtrack parts from Vice City and San Andreas", before. But i don't remember which game(s) members here mentioned that suffered content removal, here on gog. Personally, this would be reason enough to make me follow you IMMEDIATELY. But i got a bit selfish, again. None of my games purchased here had content removal (yet), so i still linger around enjoying my collection.
Games here having still active drm or traces of it is simply unacceptable. People should raise a BIG ruckus on this one. This is the CORE of gog's existence. GOG minus DRM-FREE equals Steam/Origin. And their developers and copyright holders must feel some pressure and aggression. For tossing drm-ed cr@p our way, in here. And you forgot the Victor Vran online bonus, which requires account creation and authentication. It being not mandatory is by no means any kind of excuse.
On the other side of the scales, though, gog still has some bright points. Client being totally optional is a great thing! Community is adorable, they even help you out in time of need (capital controls here). Place is very cosmopolitan, i love TinyE showing me donkey asses and Sachys hurling poo, or THE Snowkatt slang. I wouldn't leave gog even if the end of the world striked! But grats on your effort, dedication and determination to your principles! Someone must ABIDE BY their own beliefs, BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY! Cheers to you and rooting for you!
Regional pricing was one major flaw of gog's doing, especially since it went again one of the main, initial principles. Yet, in this hell hole i live, luxury items and specifically games, had always been overpriced, at least the retail stuff. So fleecing me as a customer is nothing new and i can thankfully, as of yet, afford it. Happily too, i might add, since most games i bought on gog i already owned retail anyways and ALWAYS, craved them for a DRM-free copy/backup. Plus they give store credit bonus.
Lock of trading, steam style, is really upsetting and i agree. But they have an argument; fraudulent transactions and exploitations. Enraging as is, alas, nothing can be done from our part. Plus, personally, i don't exactly have many pals online, especially from other countries (well, actually, i DO have, but for social media purposes and other types of "games", not *video* games, he he), so, selfish as is, it leaves me totally indiferent.
I got angry and sad when certain members here, mentioned, that much like as in steam, in some rare cases and occasions here, certain games have been "updated" from their developer, but said updated inflicted CONTENT REMOVAL and INTENDED. I found out this thorn on our backside, when i discussed the "Steam update removes soundtrack parts from Vice City and San Andreas", before. But i don't remember which game(s) members here mentioned that suffered content removal, here on gog. Personally, this would be reason enough to make me follow you IMMEDIATELY. But i got a bit selfish, again. None of my games purchased here had content removal (yet), so i still linger around enjoying my collection.
Games here having still active drm or traces of it is simply unacceptable. People should raise a BIG ruckus on this one. This is the CORE of gog's existence. GOG minus DRM-FREE equals Steam/Origin. And their developers and copyright holders must feel some pressure and aggression. For tossing drm-ed cr@p our way, in here. And you forgot the Victor Vran online bonus, which requires account creation and authentication. It being not mandatory is by no means any kind of excuse.
On the other side of the scales, though, gog still has some bright points. Client being totally optional is a great thing! Community is adorable, they even help you out in time of need (capital controls here). Place is very cosmopolitan, i love TinyE showing me donkey asses and Sachys hurling poo, or THE Snowkatt slang. I wouldn't leave gog even if the end of the world striked! But grats on your effort, dedication and determination to your principles! Someone must ABIDE BY their own beliefs, BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY! Cheers to you and rooting for you!

New User
Registered: Jun 2013
From Other
Posted October 02, 2015

down with DRM
Registered: Sep 2010
From Other
Posted October 02, 2015

I never heard of him until now.
To be fair, I believe that I understood the german law regarding this, it basically goes like this:
-games on the ban list (wolf) their sale is strictly prohibited, adults included (because german laws don't recognise videogames as a form of art and/or education - thats deeply stupid, of course);
-games on the "hide" list (quake2/3): they can't be shown on store shelves, but can be bought only by legally verifiable adults(+18) and only on their firm request.
Well, at least the above points are valid for physical stores and e-shops that sell physical goods (a software/game sold on physical media is considered physical good) inside german borders.
What is still not clear for me is how the german law treats digital platforms like gog that have no residence at all inside german borders and only sell digital goods with no physical support whatsoever...

I love gold!
Registered: Jan 2010
From Ireland
Posted October 02, 2015

That said, "romantic" is the last thing I'd call you so you have nothing to fear there from me at least.

down with DRM
Registered: Sep 2010
From Other
Posted October 02, 2015

...if you had your way, you wouldn't be buying these games here anyway...
The difference is that now other individuals have their own choice to make, they can buy these games or not, as opposed to the "games not available so you can't have them" as it was initially ;)
Me thinks that this is a good development!

buy Evil Genius
Registered: Nov 2008
From United States
Posted October 02, 2015

That last point is important because if they tried to, no publisher would join in. I'm sure they have their own criteria, so I'm not judging that part.

That said, "romantic" is the last thing I'd call you so you have nothing to fear there from me at least.
Also, when the fuck did that become a hash? That's been either a number sign or a pound sign for ages. And then MS misappropriated it as a sharp sign, even though the font is clearly different in nearly all cases.
EDIT: Also get off my lawn before I call your parents!
Post edited October 02, 2015 by hedwards

the Bamboo Lover
Registered: Dec 2011
From Canada
Posted October 02, 2015
I don't quite get what OP is trying to accomplish with this boycott. OP seems to fully understand that it is Bethesda's decision to not selling those games in Germany. Thus boycotting GOG can change nothing. The assumption GOG did nothing to attempt to bring the game to Germany is also baseless.
At the same time OP stated that "If they would write Publisher XY forced us to block game XY for Germany everything would be fine to me but saying we are forced by the law isn't!". OP is suggesting that GOG should approach this situation by publicly directing all the blame to Bethesda, their newly signed business partner. That seems like a suicidal move for the business to me.
At the same time OP stated that "If they would write Publisher XY forced us to block game XY for Germany everything would be fine to me but saying we are forced by the law isn't!". OP is suggesting that GOG should approach this situation by publicly directing all the blame to Bethesda, their newly signed business partner. That seems like a suicidal move for the business to me.