Posted April 18, 2015

In a nutshell:
() Bundling
- don't unbundle games which you took from a compilation CD or something similar.
- revert the unbundling with games which are already unbundled (Heroes Chronicles, Sierra Games, Zork, Might & Magic 1-6 collection CD, Earthworm Jim 1-2 CD (where is the audio track!), Ultima 7 Complete, Battle Chess, Battle Isle Saga ...)
- just don't touch the original release provided by the publisher, include patches and wrap around your installer plus DOSBOX/ScummVM where applicable. Don't butcher the original releases and if the original CD has audio tracks, include them as mp3 and/or FLAC.
() Naming
- do some quality assurance on these names, at least another person should check new names of the games
- if unsure, do a lookup on mobygames on the names.
- decide, if the games should be numbered with roman letters or by numbers and don't mix it in the series (Ultima, Heroes of Might & Magic, I'm looking "V" vs 5)
- games should be named first by series, by series number and then by title (hello "tesla effect, a tex murphy adventure" vs "tex murphy ...."
Post edited April 18, 2015 by coffeecup