Lemon_Curry: Ha ha! Are all those lines from cutscenes or are they spoken during actual gameplay?
Yes various quotes are from gameplay, idle speech, interactions, FMV's blood is a riot!
Gnostic: What's other good RPG/FPS hybrid game that made it in your list?
Deux Ex = good but not great, it was more RPG then FPS well beyond simple gun/skill upgrades
Mass Effect = absolutly fantastic game, but again much more RPG/tactical shooter.
BioShock = very close to perfect, i adore this game.. but, its playable twice maybe 3 times while Hellgate is infinatly replayable since the entiregame is randomly generated.
System Shock = this is fantastic and an epicly hard last boss, 2 much better but not as good as other imo.
Borderlands = to much repitition, but a solid fantastic game, its fun until it becomes a chore.
Vampire The Masquerade = Bloodlines is next to HG:L for me... its a perfect combination of Action/RPG
Fallout (Later Version) = new vegas was pretty nice, but really once you beat it even though there are 5 other options it feels like a chore
Jedi Academy = yes this is fun and has good replay value, not FPS
Star Wars: The Force Unleashed = beat once then done, though very fun it was repadative, 2 fixed this, not FPS
Elder Scroll = oblivion/morrowind/skyrim 100's of hours of game play, you could just launch it and go for a walk... its beutiful... but its not really a shooty FPS unless you count magic/ranged
Dark Messiah of M&M = not FPS (see TES), but really fun.... 3-4 plays would be easy for this game, the balance of the classes is very well done. I still enjoy a good run in this game.
Stalker = INSANELY hard and not recommended for a newbie
Armor Core = never played
Mech warrior = 3 was the best, hours of fun multiplayer, 4 was good single payer and MW:ONLINE is really really exciting. Nothing like taking out a wildcat in a laser kitted Omni ^_^
Metro Series = already stated the best story line game I have ever played.
Saints Row = Absolute favorite GTA style game, own them all, still play 3 and 4
Consortium = never played
Dishonored = ranks top tier in my must play list
Thief = reboot was as good as dishonored and has more replayability IMO.
Arx Fatalis = underground with amazing graphics and good story, if you likes morrowind this is for you
For Story that got me "ignoring FPS"
Metro 2033/Last Light
Alan Wake
Jade Empire
Max Payne
Chronicles of RIDDICK
Biochock 1 2 infinite
Deep Space 9: The Fallen
Planescape Torment
Deus Ex: Human Revolution
Red Faction: Guerrilla AND Armageddon
Mass Effect 1 and 2
Assasins Creed 1 and 2 (after that it just got silly)
Thief (2014)
Witcher 1, 2, 3, (or just Bloody Baron)
Neverwinter Nights 2
Mars: War Logs
Diablo 1 and 2 (you need to hunt for it)
The Portals
Risen 2 was great
Divinity 2