Cyker: To be fair, Dark Forces is not your typical twitch-shooter murderfest like Doom and Duke Nukem - It encourages a slower pace and a more thinky-sneaky-shooty approach. Laying anti-personel mines and then triggering nearby stormtroopers to run over them never gets old!
The fact that not all enemies can see in the dark also opens up extra possibilities.
And then there are the afore-mentioned puzzles... stupid sewers...stupid vault... grumble grumble...
teceem: Cool! That's the best motivation I've ever read that makes me actually give it a try. (I once bought the whole SW package here at a huge discount)
Just so you don't get the wrong idea, it is nowhere near Deus Ex or System Shock - It's still very much an oldschool 2.5D FPS; It just doesn't force you to play in such a frantic and twitchy style as what I consider a standard shooter, e.g. Doom, ROTT et al.
As for the rest of you, I had thought Yoda Stories was quite an obscure game! It made me grin a lot to find so many of you have played it too! XD
I didn't think it was Win32-compaible tho', I could swear when I played it was in Windows 3.1...!