Posted March 03, 2021
They focus on the problem people they want to interdict and how to interdict them. The effectiveness of the law and the new problems that the law may create are often poorly considered/debatable....
But the one thing lawmakers care least of all and almost never bothered to consider, are all the law abiding citizens who will be disadvantaged by the new law. Law abiding citizens are unimportant, what is important are the few problem people.
This above attitude runs riot in most western countries, but at least in America you got the constitution working overtime to hold back this tide of government contempt for the freedoms of law abiding citizens.
I will never understand why it is necessary to goose step all over the freedoms of law abiding citizens to control fringe elements... there has got to be a better way.
Similarly, I don't think anyone at that level honestly believes that violent games lead to violent crimes. My guess is they're more focused on video games as a whole, and see them as the thing that leads to chronic unemployment, and targeting the violent ones seems like a good avenue, since just about anything can be construed as violence. The violent crime then just becomes the excuse to do so. Gamergate was clearly another attempted angle at this, as the whole thing started with, well, this "game" and it's creator(s).
Frankly, this isn't about controlling the fringe, and until people start seeing it, this kind of BS will continue. These politicians have way too much power and way too much hubris to bother themselves with actual fringe elements, and tend to focus on controlling larger groups of people by exploiting events caused by fringe groups. How often do they actually do anything about actual fringe groups? You really think that the US military, for example, with it's ability to track Iranian operatives in various middle-eastern countries that are so war-torn it's not likely that you can get wifi service in them, yet they can't track gangs in the cities full of wifi and cell service everywhere? I understand a few internet trolls can hide from the US government, no trouble, thanks to VPNs and similar technology, but people who make physical appearances at the events of focus?
This should be painfully obvious from the fact that illegal immigraiton policies hurt the illegal immigrants more than anyone else (but still hurts everyone else), which seems counter intuitive at first, but becomes blindingly apparent when talking to them about their trips here (you wouldn't believe how many of them actually think they're coming here legally). Or how about how the George Floyd thing exploded, when in 2015 a black cop did the same hold on a white guy (good luck finding it, but i stumbled upon the video on youtube while looking for the george floyd video, because i was skeptical enough to watch it)? Turns out, common maneuver, and actually for the suspect's benefit (it's an attempt to prevent a heart attack by restricting movement with head control), but you're probably completely unaware of this, or of this case where a black cop "killed" a white guy using the exact same procedure. Or how about the press, themselves, calling COVID "just the flu," when caught with a hot mic they thought was off? Or what about Zuckerberg making false claims prior to banning fals COVID-vaccine claims on facebook? And then we have the WHO claiming no evidence of human-to-human transmission of SARS-CoV-2, which was touted by everyone for way, way too long and justified a lack of quarantine of China, leading to the whole pandemic (it was obvious on the face of it with basic understanding of infectious diseases that a disease primarily in the lungs would end up being transmissible). Oh, how about the claim that only vaccines result in antibodies, not real infections, increasing the risk in anaphylaxis and wasting vaccine doses instead of getting them to people who need them?
How can anyone honestly assume any degree of honesty from state governors or up at this point (regardless of party)? Just compare their words to their actions.