tinyE: Doesn't Nintendo do this? I've heard any time they come across a negative review they demand it be removed citing unauthorized use of their company/product name.
paladin181: No, Nintendo demands anything (positive or negative) that they haven't approved explicitly get taken down. They file content claims on EVERYTHING except a few channels that are in Nintendo's approved group, and the requirements for posting videos containing Nintendo content are really unreasonable (including giving Nintendo 60% of the profit from such videos and only being able to post positive information).
Until Youtube decides (i.e. is forced) to start behaving legally and honoring fair use, then this will continue. Anyone can content id anything and Youtube's first response is to take all revenue and give it to the claimant instead of holding the funds and doing an actual investigation. But Google loves the big companies that give them money and are terrified that if they stop being anti-consumer, then those corporations will withdraw their money. It sucks. But that's the way it is right now.
oh really? and doesn't tinye do the very same? you talk like hypocrite because each time a user says "new games not interesting" or GOG do this, that etc, tinye comes and simply says "NO!" like he'd be working for gog. he just a butt licker. even talks about world news were ALL silenced only because of him. yet you talk like big companies are bad but tinye good. my advice is, think first before opening mouth