Desmight: Thanks for the giveaway, I think we really appreciate it :)
The last game I bought? I've just got Hellblade during this sale (and Sunless Sea and RiME because of the promo) and I'm really curious to play it, but I want to do it in "one sit", so I'm waiting to have some spare time to do it.
Anyway, I'm in for Pyre!
Enebias: I'd like to play that one too. Also, I agree with you: some games are really best experienced in one shot, especially story driven and relatively brief games like Hellblade. So many great details would be lost otherwise! I always say to freinds to play Planescape Torment without other games in the meantime, for example. If you play it twice you also really understand the greatness of the narrative; I think the encounter with Ravel must be the best writing in a videogame ever.
I played Hellblade last fall and really, really enjoyed it.