F4LL0UT: Dawn of War II The lack of base and unit building in the campaign. It just wasn't Dawn of War anymore but some weird and insanely repetitive poor man's Diablo or something.
Stalker: Clear Sky Faction wars. I don't mind the mechanic as such but it just doesn't fit the Stalker series at all. The system felt more appropriate for a multiplayer shooter or something, not the RPGish Stalker series. One of the first game's main appeals was how everything was shrouded in mystery, how alive the world felt and that feeling that you just didn't belong. This organised warfare with neatly organised scores was just the opposite of that.
Good thing I scrolled down the first page.
Definitely agreed with you,
Dawn of War II was insanely repetitive to the point I never finished it, it bored me the fact that challenge didn't add up, instead you found yourself doing the same combat missions over and over and once you get the hang of your squad there was no sense of difficulty.
Clear Sky, good lord, the game is not bad, is just that it doesn't fit in the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. sense of things. Just like you said, the feeling of mystery, and feeling that you just didn't belong in that place, often I wondered myself during gameplay, how could Strelok end up there, who would in their right mind be in the ZONE. Thieves, soldiers of fortune, murderers, outcast. I get it, they can escape the world by embracing the zone, but then I asked myself, what could actually force me to go there. WHO WANTS TO LIVE IN MISERY.
Clear Sky was devoid of that feeling, too many people hanging around shooting guns, too combat minded, it just felt like a regular FPS inspired by S.T.A.L.K.E.R.
The mystery, the loneliness, the implicit feeling of misery in every place you visit, the immersion, to the fact of knowing that if you die deep in the zone, no one is going to hear you scream, plead or fight your last stand. That's S.T.A.L.K.E.R. in a nutshell.
"Misery" Certainly not what CS was.
Anyways sorry for the long post!