Pauline602: O.k, i know very little about computers. I don't think i installed as an admin i basically just hit the install button. Where should i install the games to then? And i have no idea how to check compatibility modes.
My specs are:
Windows 10 64 bit
AMD Ryzen 5 1600 six core
Radeon RX 580 series
Core clock: 1360 MHz
Memory size: 8192 MB
Sorry for being a pain.
You're not a pain, no need to apologize. My advice/suggestions are geared towards someone using the standalone installers. I don't use Galaxy, so don't know what you'd need to check through that. I'll keep reminding throughout the post, just to make the distinction between the procedure for stand-alones as opposed to Galaxy though.
Okay, to install as admin, you right-click on the installer file and choose 'run as admin'. If you're using Galaxy, I'm not sure how this would work (or if there's an option to give Galaxy admin rights)
When the installer starts, you can choose to install the game somewhere other than the default (if you're using the standalone installer). The choice is the Options button at the bottom left of the installer popup window. In galaxy, I think the default is actually outside the Programs folder anyway, so you should be fine there - again, I don't use it, so not sure.
For compatibility settings, right click the desktop icon that you use to launch the game and choose the 'Compatibility' tab. You can check to run as admin as well as compatibility for the various older operating systems before WIn10. So you can try that to see if it helps.
Another thing would be to check your drivers. I use an nVidia card, so not sure about the AMDs. You may need to wait for someone else to post about this.
Some older games may have trouble with a 6 core chip as well, so there may be a setting or some software to force only one core to be used. Might be worth checking in the respective game forum about that.
Not much of a help, but hopefully this will get the ball rolling and others with more tech-fu will jump in.