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Stellaris: BioGenesis, the newest expansion for Stellaris, is now available for pre-order on GOG!

In Stellaris: BioGenesis, step into the role of a master geneticist, sculpting the galaxy to your design with living ships, engineered ecosystems, and enhanced species. Forge new paths with unparalleled bioengineering tools to create a civilization that thrives on adaptability and evolution – or exploit these tools to dominate the stars.

Pre-order now on GOG!
high rated
Included in the Season 09 pack
high rated
Oh for crying out loud, ENOUGH WITH THE DLCs ALREADY!

Where's the Complete Edition?

59,99€ is the absolute maximum i would be willing to pay for a complete edition! And that's only if Paradox remove their dumb launcher first! Right now the price for everything (game + all DLCs) is totally insane!
Is a Complete Edition even still desirable at this point?
I can't imagine that the developer managed to keep a balanced gameplay and well-integrated game mechanics across so many DLCs... Isn't it more like choosing a selection of icecream flavors? Pick 2 or 3, but never the whole works?
g2222: Is a Complete Edition even still desirable at this point?
I can't imagine that the developer managed to keep a balanced gameplay and well-integrated game mechanics across so many DLCs... Isn't it more like choosing a selection of icecream flavors? Pick 2 or 3, but never the whole works?
Not sure. Unfortunately, I recall reading that at this point, you definitely want some specific DLCs as when they modify the base game for the DLCs, they add in-game mechanics for everyone (DLC owners or not) that makes the game very so so without those DLCs addressing those mechanics properly (I think I read that about the Paragon DLC, there are probably others).

One thing is for sure, even ignoring the cost, this is a game I'll be playing when I retire. With the amount of stuff they keep cramming into it, I cannot imagine having the time at this point in my life. It will be cheaper then too, I imagine.

PS: On the bright side, I like the art. Reminds me of the Shadows in Babylon 5. Probably a source of inspiration I'm guessing. Neat.
Post edited 4 days ago by Magnitus
00063: Where's the Complete Edition?
Come back in 2028 .
g2222: I can't imagine that the developer managed to keep a balanced gameplay and well-integrated game mechanics across so many DLCs...
As surprising as it might sound, they did.
g2222: Is a Complete Edition even still desirable at this point?
(…) Isn't it more like choosing a selection of icecream flavors? Pick 2 or 3, but never the whole works?
I don’t think anyone but the most hardcore fans of Stellaris should try to hunt down all expansions.
The base game by itself is more than enough to provide a deep and interesting grand strategy game. Then one should only buy the expansions adding things they really want to play with.
if i still played Stellaris i probably would enjoy another DLC.....

Personally, i enjoy the combat and empire building in Distant Worlds 2 more and ofc Total War Warhammer.... with 2 grand strat titles under the belt one could say 'you're oversaturated good sir'

*would have a look at Stellaris 2, if ever
*and only if they either add inertia to space combat, add some form of live other than warships and agressive space cows... okay, any other form of space combat that at least manages to portray the feeling of the word fleet will also suffice
00063: Oh for crying out loud, ENOUGH WITH THE DLCs ALREADY!
Obviously, there are not enough of us voting with our wallets. :-\ And as long as people just complain but buy over and over again, why wouldn't you sell, right?
Magnitus: One thing is for sure, even ignoring the cost, this is a game I'll be playing when I retire. With the amount of stuff they keep cramming into it, I cannot imagine having the time at this point in my life. It will be cheaper then too, I imagine.
I don't know about when I retire; that's still 20+years off for me, but it's definitely high on my list to try just as soon as I am able to replace my ancient gaming computer. ;) Stellaris is one of only a couple of games I bought on GOG without being certain my machine could run it (spoiler: it can't). I didn't buy all the DLCs yet, though, so I still have THAT ahead of me too.
Magnitus: PS: On the bright side, I like the art. Reminds me of the Shadows in Babylon 5. Probably a source of inspiration I'm guessing. Neat.
Hmm, I think they're more reminiscent of the Vorlons, actually. The Shadows' ships all looked like black spiders; some of the stuff in the art is more reminiscent of the Vorlons' ships, in particular their larger warships like the planetkillers and their escorts.
00063: Oh for crying out loud, ENOUGH WITH THE DLCs ALREADY!
Wottie: Obviously, there are not enough of us voting with our wallets. :-\ And as long as people just complain but buy over and over again, why wouldn't you sell, right?
The Venn diagram of people complaining and the people buying DLCs (or playing the game at all, probably) is basically two separate circles. Enough with this bizarre idea that you "need" to get all the DLC. The idea is that you just get the stuff that interests you. I would guess the number of people with all of it is very small, and consists of ultra-hardcore Stellaris players who don't play any other games, and people with obsessive-compulsive/hoarding issues. I bought 3 DLCs and that's enough for me, unless another one comes along that's really compelling.
Stopped playing years ago... Call me when Stellaris2 comes out
toroca: I don't know about when I retire; that's still 20+years off for me, but it's definitely high on my list to try just as soon as I am able to replace my ancient gaming computer. ;) Stellaris is one of only a couple of games I bought on GOG without being certain my machine could run it (spoiler: it can't). I didn't buy all the DLCs yet, though, so I still have THAT ahead of me too.
Maybe I'm exaggerating a little, but I don't see myself playing this until my kids go to school at least. Seem like a major investment in time and energy to me.

toroca: Hmm, I think they're more reminiscent of the Vorlons, actually. The Shadows' ships all looked like black spiders; some of the stuff in the art is more reminiscent of the Vorlons' ships, in particular their larger warships like the planetkillers and their escorts.
I guess it could be an hybrid between the two I suppose. It is more elongated like a Vorlon ship, but I'm definitely also getting a dark arachnid vibe of the Shadow ships. Less pronounced, sure, but still there.

eric5h5: The Venn diagram of people complaining and the people buying DLCs (or playing the game at all, probably) is basically two separate circles. Enough with this bizarre idea that you "need" to get all the DLC. The idea is that you just get the stuff that interests you. I would guess the number of people with all of it is very small, and consists of ultra-hardcore Stellaris players who don't play any other games, and people with obsessive-compulsive/hoarding issues. I bought 3 DLCs and that's enough for me, unless another one comes along that's really compelling.
Definitely a slight case of OCD there. I got a lot of the DLCs once they hit 50% off as I wanted to play the 'complete' edition (plus I really like those strategy space opera games), but it seems like they'll just keep going and going at this point (once they started using the term 'season', I got the gist of it) and the amount of content from all those accumulating DLCs seem increasingly daunting with the time that I have right now (and figuring out while DLCs I should incrementally add to ease into it seems like an even longer process) so I figure if I won't play for years, might as well wait for a really really good discount (and in the interim just play with the DLCs I have when I can).

Definitely, if I had known from the start that this was the plan, I would have waited, but at least now I know that with releases from Paradox, I should just wait a while before getting my foot in.
Post edited 3 days ago by Magnitus
ussnorway: Stopped playing years ago... Call me when Stellaris2 comes out
Because you want to dive into the new game then?
Or because you feel the old game is finally "complete" and worth another try?
Magnitus: [...] and the amount of content from all those accumulating DLCs seem increasingly daunting with the time that I have right now (and figuring out while DLCs I should incrementally add to ease into it seems like an even longer process) so I figure if I won't play for years, might as well wait for a really really good discount (and in the interim just play with the DLCs I have when I can).
That is the wrong way to think about it. Essentially, games like Stellaris und Europa Universalis (and to a lesser extent Age of Wonders 4) are games which are constantly worked on. That includes adding new systems but also sometimes fundamentally reworking whole concepts. We used to have planets with a maximum of 25 population (one for each tile). I didn't hate it but it wasn't my favorite concept either. I certainly would not want to go back. Even with the teething troubles of a fundamental rework, what we got was much better.
We are also getting a rework of the planetary economy in the free update which will come with the next expansion. The public beta is only available on Steam but I have high hopes for what I'm reading in the weekly dev diaries. It's less of a fundamental switch like from tiles to now and more a refinement, but one that requires a lot of changes in the internals.

They also seem to have learned a lot from last year. Machine Age was an absolutely brilliant expansion and that was a rather widely shared opinion. The other two expansions were a bit meh. Especially in comparison to Machine Age. Considering the scale of the rework that was happening back then, this starts to make more sense. I can also see aspects of how the storms might work better in the new planetary economy.
The two big expansions this year are both aiming to do for biological ascension and psionic ascension what Machine Age did for synthetic and cybernetic ascension. That is great news and the pre-announced feature list looks very promising. The season pass essentially means you buy the two big expansions and get the species pack for free. Species packs used to be just a bit of graphical stuff but the newer ones have massively raised the bar (and older species packs also got some features retrofitted).

When I look at the season pass, I see less than 4€ per month. Even if I sometimes have breaks, that is a cost I can justify for myself without problems. And if I decide at some point that I don't like it anymore I can just keep playing at whatever version I last believed in. Either because I compulsively archive installers here or because I download the installers of the version I want using my Paradox account. Which I only use for exactly that one use case, because I hate launchers as well but completely eliminating them is simple for both Stellaris and AoW4.

I like 4X and I have certainly developed a taste for grand strategy like in Stellaris. The ones I follow and play with interest all follow the constant development pattern like this. Stellaris. Age of Wonders 4. Old World. I have given other games in that direction a shot but none could convince me the way those other can.
I have said it before and I say it again: 4X and grand strategy are too big and too niche. I have yet to see an implementation which really convinced me which follows a different model.

Just don't think of it as waiting for a "finished" or "complete" game. If you absolutely need that, it will never be for you. This is very much journey before destination.
Also, except for a few weeks around Christmas and in the summer there is a weekly dev diary on the official forum (every thursday) which always explains something they are working on for the free patch or what's going to be in the next expansion. Follow that for a couple weeks for a feel what's happening.