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System Shock 2 was originally released in 1999 and this cult classic sci-fi horror FPS with RPG elements has become widely considered as one of the best video games of all time.

Now, from the hands of Nightdive Studios, the System Shock® 2: 25th Anniversary Remaster is available for pre-order on GOG!

With the goal of reverse engineering the original code to port SS2 to the KEX Engine, this upcoming title will let us enjoy the legendary game from almost 25 years ago, all with cinematics, textures, characters and weapon models updated, and the Co-Op Multiplayer overhauled to create a seamless experience.

Pre-order now on GOG!
FarkOfDoge: So exactly how much did they "borrow"/"reverse engineer" from the fan mod forum? Cuz some of the updated textures(like the eggs) look eerily like some fan mods out there.
AB2012: Some textures are different but the "remastered" ones are often hardly that much better (I tried to get a shot of the same area, from the same angle, with the same weapon):-

'Remaster' vs Original with texture mod.

I wouldn't exactly say there's been a +500% improvement in graphics to justify that +500% increase in price vs what the mod community did for free a decade ago... ;-)
I guess all the money is for the zombies missing from the modded original :D

Seriously though, this doesn't look like it's worth a 10% price hike, not to mention 500%.
MadWolf2013: Hi, I preordered System Shock 1.
"Pre-order now and receive System Shock 2: Enhanced Edition for free once it's released!"

will I still get System Shock 2: Enhanced Edition for free
Short answer: yes

If the game doesn't get added to your account at or shortly after release date, you can ask the devs on their discord.
I remember people blasting Night Dive over the first Turok remaster being overpriced at 20 bucks. Now, the latest 4 remasters from Night Dive all cost 30 bucks and we are just accepting it, no problem at all. Frog successfully boiled.
Breja: I guess all the money is for the zombies missing from the modded original :D
If they added any more spawning zombies there wouldn't be any room to maneuver about :D

Grargar: I remember people blasting Night Dive over the first Turok remaster being overpriced at 20 bucks. Now, the latest 4 remasters from Night Dive all cost 30 bucks and we are just accepting it, no problem at all. Frog successfully boiled.
Yeah, 30 bucks is a bit steep. Only tempted to splurge due to the game being one of my faves.
Post edited March 21, 2025 by FarkOfDoge
The usual reminder to get the missing Nightdive games here, that they have on Steam.

You can start with Z.A.R.

AB2012: I was comparing the current sale prices (£3.49 vs £21.59).
mk47at: Which I would second that it is the right thing to do - there is probably no one left that is willing to buy the game outside of a sale.
I wouldn't be surprised if the discounts for the original "mysteriously" got lower once the remaster comes out.
Post edited March 21, 2025 by idbeholdME
Grargar: I remember people blasting Night Dive over the first Turok remaster being overpriced at 20 bucks. Now, the latest 4 remasters from Night Dive all cost 30 bucks and we are just accepting it, no problem at all. Frog successfully boiled.
Well enough are accepting it anyway.. As I have heard enough going, they have waited for at least a 30 or so percent off before buying .. Granted I won't deny I did buy Killing time resurrected when it showed up rather then waiting but that was a rare case for me as all the others I waited till cheaper
andysheets1975: From the store page description: "Hybrid mutants and deadly robots roam the halls while the cries from the remaining crew reverberate through the cold hull of the ship. SHODAN, a rogue AI bent on the destruction of mankind has taken over and it's up to you to stop her."

Perhaps not?
Ah, darn. I was hoping new players could have a chance, even if a small one to be pleasantly surprised.
high rated
System Shock 2: 25th Anniversary Remaster Key features:

• Choose from 3 branches of the Military; O.S.A, Marines or Navy and experiment with different play styles. - So, same as in the original
• Additional Mod Support - I don't need that
• Up to 144FPS performance with ultra-widescreen support. - I don't need that.
• 50 Achievements to unlock. - I don't need that.
• Enhanced Characters, Weapon Models and Animations. - Ok.
• Optimized Controller support. - Ok, though I don't really need that.
• Quality of Life Improvements. - Any more details on those?

I think, I'll wait for a decent discount, before I buy.
high rated
BreOl72: • Up to 144FPS performance with ultra-widescreen support. - I don't need that.
Despite NightDive dishonestly advertising it as something they "enhanced", UltraWide / 4K / +60hz support has been in all the Dark Engine games (Thief 1-2 & SS2) for years now, ever since stores like GOG, Steam, etc, started pre-including TafferPatcher / NewDark support. Here's an Ultrawide Youtube playthrough uploaded back in 2018 that looks damn near the same as the "remaster" due to all the *cough* textures 'borrowed' from the mod community...

Yeah, I'm not paying £20 so someone can rip off someone else's work either.
Post edited March 21, 2025 by BrianSim
BreOl72: • Up to 144FPS performance with ultra-widescreen support. - I don't need that.
BrianSim: Despite NightDive dishonestly advertising it as something they "enhanced", UltraWide / 4K / +60hz support has been in all the Dark Engine games (Thief 1-2 & SS2) for years now
Just because someone did it before doesn't mean Nightdive didn't do it themselves too, that's not "dishonest"
high rated
Memecchi: Just because someone did it before doesn't mean Nightdive didn't do it themselves too, that's not "dishonest"
Simply comparing the screenshots that AB2012 posted above, as well as many other areas, many textures like the metallic floor duct the right-hand hybrid is standing on (the one with the cables passing through), the wall writing (same font, font size, etc) where even the texture seams between the tiles line up to the exact pixel, are not just "inspired by modders", they are literally pixel-perfect identical CTRL-C, CTRL-V jobs. Sorry if it offends you to hear, but if you've been playing the original + texture mods for years, it's painfully obvious where a lot of "remastered" content is ripped off from the free mods.

Same was true of Blade Runner "Enhanced" - huge thanks to all the hard work for bug-fixing, etc, that was done by the ScummVM team before Nightdive stepped in at the last minute, took all that, added an ugly blur filter, then claimed credit and got paid for everything "new". If you want to support them that's up to you. Personally, I've always found that stuff a lot more shitty than I've ever found it "convenient"...

Edit: Same was also true of System Shock 1 EE - huge thanks for adding mouselook, key rebinds and higher resolutions go not to NightDive, but to Malba Tahan for his Xcdshock mod that he wrote 15 years ago, that was also "borrowed"...
Post edited March 21, 2025 by BrianSim
Awesome! :)
BrianSim: they are literally pixel-perfect identical CTRL-C, CTRL-V jobs. Sorry if it offends you to hear, but if you've been playing the original + texture mods for years, it's painfully obvious where a lot of "remastered" content is ripped off from the free mods.
Yes, they've said as much, this remaster is pretty much built on free mods and "Nightdive own improvements", that's the opposite of being dishonest lol
high rated
BrianSim: if you've been playing the original + texture mods for years, it's painfully obvious where a lot of "remastered" content is ripped off from the free mods.
It gets even more blatant in some areas. Example - take the hackable Security Consoles:-

Original game (1999) = Low-res textures that didn't actually contain any text, just 6x short squiggles that were completely open to interpretation when it came to HD mods (ie, 10x different texture modders would naturally come up with 10x different meanings / interpretations as to what they think should be written in place of the squiggles):-

SHTUP - System Shock 2 Texture Upgrade HD Mod (2006) = decided to replace the squiggles with the words:-


Pretty unique and distinctive to that mod, right?

2025 Remaster = Same security consoles visible in the screenshots are letter for letter to the mod content:-
original.jpg (221 Kb)
modded.jpg (267 Kb)
Post edited March 21, 2025 by AB2012
Memecchi: Yes, they've said as much, this remaster is pretty much built on free mods and "Nightdive own improvements", that's the opposite of being dishonest lol
Great, so are they going to donate some of the money to the unpaid modders & texture artists who actually did most of the work for which the Kex Engine is just a 'wrapper' around, or just the usual?...

AB2012: It gets even more blatant in some areas.
I think I've long given up on even this classic gaming GOG community having any remaining shred of integrity when they start cheering on screwing other people over due to being too lazy to unzip a zip file and can no longer even wipe their own arses without a walled garden client doing it for them...
Post edited March 21, 2025 by BrianSim