koima57: Consoles are DRM ridden since the Ps3 gen, sadly.
Netflix, Ps Now, Origin Access are subscriptions services to access a rent library of content... Not Steam, where software licences are purchased, in the same way GOG works, selling licences to use our puchased content. Many software offered on Steam is "DRM-Free" too.
http://steam.wikia.com/wiki/List_of_DRM-free_games Someone will correct me if I'm wrong, but console have had DRM in one form or another since the days of the NES.
PS Now and Steam are both subscription services
PS Now offers you access to library of games, which you have no license ownership off, for a monthly fee.
Steam offers a DRM validation and download service to a library of games which you do own the licenses, for no monthly fee.
While I fully agree Steam, and other stores sell you the licenses. Regardless to where you purchased the game it is the Steam subscribed service that allows you to download the games and validates the DRM.
VALVes subscription model allows them to implement policies and conditions that are not set by the publisher and contradict the rights given by the publisher via the purchased license.
Waving a list of the small minority of DRM free games does not counter the absolute fact that VALVe (and yes GoG) are subscription services. Nor does it mitigate how VALVe misuses its power.
As I've always said, you own your license, but VALVe owns the keys.