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Guys! I have a question! And what I'm asking is more on the legality of something, so I'm already aware that I'm asking for a free legal advice by not actually going to a lawyer.

Anyway, my question is, is it illegal for me to buy an unlicensed toy (like a third party one)? There's this third party Bumblebee Cyber Era TMT-01 toy from TMT and it looks so good. There isn't any official toy like it, and even if there's one like from Trumpeter, it's way too small to stand next to my other transformers toys (it's roughly 9.2cm). So what do you guys think? Is it illegal for me as the customer to buy one? Or is it only illegal for the third party to produce and sell their products?
real.geizterfahr: I was taking some photos today at the coast when I spotted a pretty impressive yacht. I got curious and checked which yacht it is... It's the 'Rocinante' - which belongs Gabe Newell... Yes, GABE NEWELL!

Guess I'll swim over and have a little chat with him (if he even is on board). Maybe he'll agree to release Half-Life 3 as a GOG exclusive ;)

Photo of the yacht:
Even more interesting than the price is the annual maintenance cost of up to 10 million USD, which is surely still lower than the maintenance cost of Steam... still... compared to a average car with a annual maintenance cost of "only" 5 000 to 10 000 USD this ship is simply another dimension.

Many people may not calculate the maintenance costs and as soon as they own a ship... or a car, they start to "realize" the "true costs".

Another fact: I got zero interest in Half Life and barely can understand the hype.
Post edited November 02, 2024 by Xeshra
**Correct answer in Post 80**
Post edited November 02, 2024 by GamezRanker
GamezRanker: Afaik it should be the former.
v.v *wipes away my tears*

Thank you, you've helped me save my money for other things.
Crap, I meant the latter...I had just gotten up so my mind was a little foggy. I believe some agencies can/do seize such things from citizens sometimes in some places, but you're probably not going to go to jail if you buy a knockoff.
Post edited November 02, 2024 by GamezRanker
JacobSlatter: Anyone else know what it's like to hold back what's on your mind so much that it starts to hurt? Until you don't feel like a person anymore but like a smiling statue? I have those days sometimes where I want to drop my mental filter and be me. Why is it so hard to do such a simple thing? I don't know.
That's exactly why we have these forums. So let it out, what is on your mind? I want to hear, I don't think it is healthy you have kept it inside yourself for the past three months. My head would explode in that time.

With age I've slowly learned to shut up and not spurt out something that first comes to my mind. Sometimes it (spurting out) has a desired effect on other participants (e.g. laugh), sometimes it just leaves them puzzled like "WTF did that guy just say?". Well I don't know, sometimes the latter may also be the desired effect. But if you wait too long, you can't say it anymore because the moment is lost and you may regret not saying it for the rest of your life!
timppu: That's exactly why we have these forums.
We don't really have anything, the lizard people wearing mod clothing do.

timppu: So let it out, what is on your mind?
I sometimes put jelly on my Eggs and Bacon.
I groove to some songs in private then deny I would ever listen to such to family and friends.
I have a low tolerance for assholes. Sometimes that includes some who fall in protected classes.
Some idiotas would see that as some -ist or -ism, but I try not to give many fucks about that.
I often eat ice cream during cold months and hot soup during the warmer months.
I think a number of people use their brains about as much an as RPG NPC.
I sometimes think and act like an NPC.
I've developed a taste for bagels recently. Never liked them much before.
Post edited November 02, 2024 by NotOfftopicRanker
GamezRanker: Crap, I meant the latter...I had just gotten up so my mind was a little foggy. I believe some agencies can/do seize such things from citizens sometimes in some places, but you're probably not going to go to jail if you buy a knockoff.
Ah okay, thanks! I'll be ready with my spear in case they come for me. >:)
Any recommendations of MMORPGS on iOS ? I already tried Albion Online, it was fine, but i'd prefer something different.
After going through most of the year without a car, I suddenly have two! It's a long story, but basically one was catastrophically destroyed, and I eventually bought a "temporary" car while awaiting repairs. Now I have two functioning Japanese vehicles, both with manual transmission and 220k kilometers! Basically kindred spirits. I can't decide which one to keep and which to sell :(

2011 Subaru Impreza 2.0 Diesel (black)
2006 Toyota Yaris 1.3 Gasoline (orange!!)

Four wheel drive and diesel torque is nice and all, but.. I was not prepared for how good that Yaris was. And I'm not a 25 year old with sagging pants anymore. I'm almost leaning towards keeping the Toyota here. I suggested this to my co-workers today, and now they think I am deeply depressed. Anyway, for those who know cars.. what would be better for long-term reliability, utility, coolness and cost of ownership?
Random_Coffee: 2011 Subaru Impreza 2.0 Diesel (black)

I know nothing about cars, sorry. But would say the Yaris would be a bit cheaper on the long run, assuming both in similar shape and not a ton of driving made per year.
In my country, near the capital (where I live), driving a saloon Subaru with a decent rear wing is a good way to be carjacked or stolen.
That said, I wouldn't trade the driving of a 4WD on the roads I normally drive (not urban).

Nitpicking fun fact: the torquey feel comes from the turbo.
Well, the Yaris is 2 wheel drive only, so i you do not mind this handy cap which could become revealed if there is a... in the current age... rather rare snowstorm or what else. Yet you are living in a rather cold climate, so 4 wheel is surely a bonus.

However... the thing is: This Subaru model is pretty vulnerable because the injectors in many cases tend to become clogged at some point and the repairs of cleaning those injectors is very expensive (need to take out the engine, no easy task) and another weak spot is the catalyst because it got a pretty strong particle filter. In many cases it can malfunction, if it happens the cost are not minor. Still.. you could be lucky and almost never face those issues. Most likely you may not experience it a lot if you drive very far distances... Diesel is always best if someone drives a huge amount of km in a row... so the engine will heat up properly, along with the catalyst... and this Subaru might live a long time. However... the biggest weak spot is the inadequate crankshaft bearing which may fail at some point... this damage would be beyond repair on a car of this price... not worth it at all... so it woud be a total loss if it happens.

In short: Subaru got many great cars but not this one... this one is in general problematic.

Both cars surely got some nice characteristics. The Subaru got a lot of torque which can be fun to drive... however... the Yaris is as well more fun than it looks "on the paper". You may have noticed it... the Yaris is a pretty sturdy car which tends to act more agile than many people would imagine by looking at it or looking at the specs. Still... this car is already very old so it may need in general increased maintenance and many new parts... preferably in a preventive case, before it is going to break down. Yet, as long as the mechanics involved know their job and know how to maintain it properly... it can last many more years with high reliability.

Both cars are very fuel efficient but you definitely will have more expensive repairs on the Subaru over time... yet... it got 4 wheel drive which can come in handy.

If you HAVE to choose... yes... the Yaris will cost lesser and perhaps 2 wheel drive is OK for your needs.
Post edited November 09, 2024 by Xeshra
So how's the adventure in the consumption of Pop Tarts? I figured I'd voice my opinion on a few of them now that I've tried them.

The ones I like the best as of recently are the Strawberry Milkshake flavored ones. It's basically strawberries and cream flavored sugar paste, and even if I don't care for strawberry flavor as a general rule, I do like them creamy. I also suggest Dr Pepper Strawberries & Cream if that's not a thing in Finland, and strawberry frosted mini wheats cereal (I usually get the Malt-O-Meal stuff for bulk subsistence, but the Frosted Mini Wheats brand proper also have them and have blueberry flavor to boot if you feel like importing sugarized shredded wheat cereal).

The second one I would recommend is the Banana Bread flavor. It's a bit disappointing at first, but after having a few more, I can recommend them as it's pretty good, and if you like banana flavored stuff, they won't be a waste of your money (unless importing them is costly, in which case please stop buying American junk food at a premium).

However, the third one I tried was the Boston Cream Pie, and I can't really recommend it. It's a bit... not flavorful. A Boston cream donut is good, and this is meant to mimic that, but the donut itself is only good if it's well creamed, and the Pop Tarts I had were not. In fact, I think I've been experiencing getting Pop Tarts that are more crust than filling, and I don't know if that's bad luck or skimpflation has especially affected Pop Tarts as I had the cherry ones recently and it tasted like crust with a hint of cherry jam filling instead of a nice, juicy Pop Tart filled with diabetes. If you have imported Pop Tarts and find this to be the case, then I truly feel sorry for you going out of your way to import junk food that has less junk than expected. Pop Tarts are supposed to be jam filled crusty rectangles.
Flavoured yogurt, when my neighborhood grocery store, each Sunday, marks down the week's unsold Yoplait to $0.39 each. Two per day X 7= 14 X $0.39 = ~ $5. Holy cow, we never knew eating healthy could be so tasty and economical in this era of high prices, when the reg price is $1.25! ((;--))
Warloch_Ahead: So how's the adventure in the consumption of Pop Tarts?
Might be relevant...