Nicole28: This is the closest. I remembered a much bigger window where you can view rooms/monsters, and less gameplay options. The tiled art style, is what pings the nearest comparison.
(Image below) Bah! If only my memory hadn't failed me. :/
PandaLiang: Mordor has a sequel called Demise: Ascension. Is doesn't exactly fit the description of the potion icons, and it is party based. (See attached image)
On the other hand, potion icons reminds me of Ultima Underworld.
I was thinking Ultima Underworld as well (one of my favorite games) though perhaps if it isn't the first one (Stygian Abyss) it could be the second one? Where you are in a castle and have to go through a gem to different 'worlds' to save the inhabitants?
Or, could it be Arena, the first elder scrolls games?
Neither of those are like the Mordor one though so I really don't think it is those. Will have to find the Mordor one as it looks interesting (it also sparked something, I think I have seen a game before with a similar setup but can't remember it....)