mrkgnao: Seems to be slowing down a bit, so here are some nominations for worthy goglodytes, based on their wishlists:
Zombie Shooter 2: drealmer7
Well gee! What an effort by mrkgnao!!! Well done! While I appreciate the consideration/nomination, that is one of several games on my WL that I am uncertain about. I don't have lots "uncertains," but some are on there just so I keep them in mind/don't forget about them, but am unsure if I want to have them. The Zombie Shooter games fall into that category, like the Alan Wake games and some others (The Penumbra Collection has been on and off my WL for years, I think it is finally OFF to stay off.) The Alien Shooters are good mindless fun, and I imagine the Zombie Shooters have more polish and are fun too, but my desire to play them is very low, so low that I'm not sure I'd play them ever, and coupled with the fact that I definitely wouldn't play ZS2 without having played the first one first, I am going to pass on Zombie Shooter 2. (Though, as an interesting sidenote, I did play Alien Shooter 2 before Alien Shooter.)
Thanks trent for opening up this GA to the community and WOW THANKS to all the donators! Pretty frikken awesome!!!
adaliabooks received anything? I'd like to nominate him for
Lichdom: Battlemage If it's cool, I would like to be considered for 1 of these 3:
Descent: Freespace Battle Pack
Jagged Alliance 2: Unfinished Business
That is order of preference but superseding those preferences is a preference for someone else to receive them should they want them.
Thanks again!!!