Posted August 17, 2024

I hope they don't discontinue or degrade the offline installers. The offline installer and the "no-DRM" Is one of the main reasons i own a lot more games from GOG than Steam (only the half lifes and some exclusives on the platform).

I made the jump either late last year or early this is and I don't regret it one bit. I don't know about gameplay, but Galaxy is smooth as butter when it comes to DLing the installers. (Aahh, just to clear up any misunderstandings, I only use butter for's smooth on the pan...)
I do have one fear though and that's DLing anything larger than 50gb. Cause I get nervous my drive my overheat or something lol. Thankfully, there are only a 3 or 4 games over that size in my library. As soon as they are fully updated, I'm gonna back them up...sigh...
Ofc, if you have a metered connection or something, it might not be an option.