dirtyharry50: In any case, there is no issue now whatsoever with the link being posted here or anywhere else because the developer sanctions it. What may be an issue for some backers such as myself is that he lied to us and then called us autistic (which is a really inappropriate use of that term) for being foolish enough to believe him.
jamotide: Who are these "us" you keep mentioning? Let's face it, it's YOU!
Seriously, how great is this? The guy who's PUBLIC DEMO you so galantly (more like rudely) defended here from all us evil THIEVES insults you worse than anyone else did for being utterly wrong!
Can't remember a flamewar that resolved so quickly and clearly! But yet... chances for an apology? ZILCH!
Pretty much. I backed his first drive for a hundred based on the old beta alone - and I'm glad I did - and I think it would have been a stupid move to keep the "superdemo" away from the public.
Does dirtyharry50 even gets the point of a demo/shareware ? "Paying customer-exclusive demo" ? Seriously ?
And anyway, the rant about the NASA-echelon-orbital-whatever operated DRM should have given away that posting the download link publicly while writing below that it was "exclusive to pledgers" was nothing but deadpan. I'm terrified at how literal people can be.