bevinator: I am further amused by the little chart comparing old RPGs to each other. Cause like, Grimoire is obviously the best cause it has bigger numbers than anyone else! The gameplay numbers are a little weird, too. Wizardry 7 is one of my favorite games ever and I've played through it many times, and there's simply no way it has 400 hours of play time in it. Even if you wandered around aimlessly for months of ingame time and got all your characters past level 100 you'd have a lot of trouble hitting the 400 hours mark. I suppose it's technically possible to put that much time into it, but the same can be said for ANY game with respawning enemies.
I loved that! "If you're wondering why we claim Grimoire is one of the greatest classic style fantasy roleplaying games ever created, look at this comparison with other classic RPGs and decide for yourself if Grimoire really is the largest, richest, most detailed and complex computer roleplaying game ever made." My
God he's got an ego. And on a note similar to yours, what is he
doing in World of Xeen that takes him 300+hours?
Also speaking of that table, does anyone know what "autowalk" is?