Posted October 24, 2015
Niggles: While i don't agree with rest of the post - it sure surprised me when Disney threw up who would be the main cast members. Count me as one who is a little bit disappointed. Have to wonder why Disney went this route (was pretty unhappy when Disney bought Lucasfilms as well_
markrichardb: Nostalgic franchises tend to take the heavy lifting off aging actors with a younger sprog who can do all that exhaustive running around, usually a son or daughter of the main character (Tron Legacy, Indiana Jones Crystal Skull, etc) Harrison Ford broke his ankle on the set, and J J Abrams broke his back trying to come to his rescue. No idea if someone else then injured themselves trying to come to J J Abrams rescue until the whole cast were splayed out like fallen dominoes, but I'm forced to assume so. As for those who believe a female lead is indicative of a certain mindset or agenda, I’ll tell them what I told Josh Whedon’s Twitter account when he called Jurassic World sexist – it’s often really dangerous and stifling to divine a pattern from a single artistic work. Half the world’s population are women; so there's no call to be suspicious every time a female takes a lead role.
Post edited October 24, 2015 by monkeydelarge