monkeydelarge: It seems you have no desire to know why I think Germany is better than the USA. Why I think the culture in U.S. red states should be criticized, belittled...
I'm sorry but both countries are fucked up, not to mention quite a lot more countries in the world. Germany and Liberal Europe is no paradise, and I am sure even Europeans can agree to that. As for the USA, It's not just the red states in the USA that are fucked up. Not everyone in those states believe in whatever you think is so fucked up about them. Stop basing your judgement about millions of people on what you saw on TV or movies. The "red" states are just as diverse as your happy, Utopian "blue" states.
For one, I am in one of those "red" states, or at least it used to be, and I have no problems with Universal Health Care done correctly, Homeless Shelters, same-sex marriage no problems here, etc. The biggest thing for me to tackle before all of these issues for me is fixing our tax code. You can't pay for half of this free stuff, until all of the little loopholes are removed.