Posted October 22, 2014

Hardcore Farmer
Registered: Jul 2013
From Germany

Battle Sister
Registered: Feb 2014
From United Kingdom
Posted October 22, 2014

* Gives Crewdroog a very big hug *

Not him again!
Registered: Sep 2010
From Finland
Posted October 22, 2014
The P-39 is tricky to fly and it has a hugely obstructing canopy frame. However, my biggest gripe with it is the really weird gun layout that combines light machine guns, heavy machine guns and overpowered cannon in a mix that keeps ammunition running out of some weapons whilst still keeping the rest operational.

jack and coke plz
Registered: Dec 2012
From United States
Posted October 22, 2014
Ebola. Getting really tired of hearing about a disease that has infected 8 Americans in a nation of 319 million. And it's not airborne. And it doesn't have a long shelf life. Unless an Ebola victim ejaculates into your eyeball, you're odds of getting it are a bit slim. Yet somehow the media has turned this thing into a giant flu monster that molests kids and worships Allah. Fear.. it might be an effective emotion to manipulate, but it sure does get goddamn annoying to watch.

Battle Sister
Registered: Feb 2014
From United Kingdom
Posted October 22, 2014
The media loves to hype things, especially American media (no offence intended to Americas). Imagine if this was the 1918 flue pandemic, I wonder how the media would react then. Imagine the public panic today if such a pandemic like Spanish Influenza resurfaced.
Just a bit of history about the 1918 flue pandemic:
1. It lasted for two years (1918-1920)
2. It was airborne, Ebola is not.
3. It infected over 500 million people - it even reached remote locations, such as the Arctic.
4. The death toll was between 50-100 million deaths. This was the equivalent of 3-5% of the whole world's population.
Just a bit of history about the 1918 flue pandemic:
1. It lasted for two years (1918-1920)
2. It was airborne, Ebola is not.
3. It infected over 500 million people - it even reached remote locations, such as the Arctic.
4. The death toll was between 50-100 million deaths. This was the equivalent of 3-5% of the whole world's population.

Devil's Advocate
Registered: Nov 2008
From United States
Posted October 22, 2014
One of those "my medical condition is keeping me awake" nights! Always fun!
This Chvrches album is pretty ballin' though.
This Chvrches album is pretty ballin' though.

Meeping away
Registered: Aug 2009
From United Kingdom
Posted October 22, 2014

Just a bit of history about the 1918 flue pandemic:
1. It lasted for two years (1918-1920)
2. It was airborne, Ebola is not.
3. It infected over 500 million people - it even reached remote locations, such as the Arctic.
4. The death toll was between 50-100 million deaths. This was the equivalent of 3-5% of the whole world's population.
Pretty much any infectious diseases professional is waiting for the other shoe to drop. And one of the reasons why they're so afraid is that there's a very good chance that the new variant flu will come out of China or Asia, where they're not known for their medical resources. Also, a country that's reliant on tourism for much of its income tends to hide things that will make tourists avoid them, like say, an epidemic.
And of course, people as a herd are stupid. We don't listen. We escalate matters. We hide sick family members. We try and escape while infected.
And of course there's also that 50% who won't believe, won't take precautions and go on to keep on spreading an infection.
It's not a matter of if there'll be a new killer flu, it's when.
Have a read of The Viral Storm by Nathan Wolfe for a few sleepless, but edifying nights.

Big Daddy
Registered: Feb 2009
From Germany
Posted October 22, 2014

My last remaining grandparents are not very close. I guess I will one day just receive a phonecall telling me where and when a burial will take place. My late grandparents died when I was a kid and I didn't even know until some time after (my parents are dIvorced). I still feel like I've missed saying goodbye to them sometimes.

Hardcore Farmer
Registered: Jul 2013
From Germany
Posted October 22, 2014

My last remaining grandparents are not very close. I guess I will one day just receive a phonecall telling me where and when a burial will take place. My late grandparents died when I was a kid and I didn't even know until some time after (my parents are dIvorced). I still feel like I've missed saying goodbye to them sometimes.

Big Daddy
Registered: Feb 2009
From Germany
Posted October 22, 2014

Not having been in this situation I can only offer second hand advice: Some people sai it helps to visit the grave and talk to it. I could imagine this would help me, but people are of course different.
Like I said, my grandparents from father's side vanished quite some time ago. I didn't bother me much when I was young. But when I met my wife her grandma was already in her death bed and I had the chance to kind of accompany her in her last few months. Only then I realized what I had missed from that part of my family.
Fortunatly my kids have had the chance to meet their gand-grandparents. I wish we were closer but they are rather difficult people. They're both over 80 and have lived a pretty hard life and have endured a lot. My grandfather is not the fittest anymore and grandma... Tough woman but last time I saw her I was pretty shocked by like exhausted she looked.

Hardcore Farmer
Registered: Jul 2013
From Germany
Posted October 22, 2014

Not having been in this situation I can only offer second hand advice: Some people sai it helps to visit the grave and talk to it. I could imagine this would help me, but people are of course different.
Like I said, my grandparents from father's side vanished quite some time ago. I didn't bother me much when I was young. But when I met my wife her grandma was already in her death bed and I had the chance to kind of accompany her in her last few months. Only then I realized what I had missed from that part of my family.
Fortunatly my kids have had the chance to meet their gand-grandparents. I wish we were closer but they are rather difficult people. They're both over 80 and have lived a pretty hard life and have endured a lot. My grandfather is not the fittest anymore and grandma... Tough woman but last time I saw her I was pretty shocked by like exhausted she looked.

Desert Ranger
Registered: Jul 2012
From United States
Posted October 22, 2014

Registered: Aug 2009
From United States
Posted October 23, 2014
Just wanted to say again....I wish there was something I could do besides express further condolences. :( *Hugs, beer, coffee, hot chocolate, whatever seems best*

Land Shark
Registered: May 2014
From United States
Posted October 23, 2014
thank you all for the kind words.

jack and coke plz
Registered: Dec 2012
From United States
Posted October 23, 2014

Just more proof of how easily people are manipulated into problem-reaction-solution via the twisted minds at the ministry of truth.