Posted February 18, 2015

Razor Clawson
Registered: Dec 2014
From United Kingdom

Get Showgunners!
Registered: Jun 2011
From Poland

Razor Clawson
Registered: Dec 2014
From United Kingdom
Posted February 18, 2015
Sorry for your lose,it's extremely hard to lose someone from your family....

Kwisatz Haderach
Registered: Sep 2008
From Canada
Posted February 18, 2015
Please don't feel bad. Everyone deals with their own reality. I very much appreciate everyone's sympathies and condolences, but I certainly don't think my situation at all diminishes anyone else's troubles.

proud to be a social jus- tice warrior
Registered: Jun 2010
From Netherlands

proud to be a social jus- tice warrior
Registered: Jun 2010
From Netherlands
Posted February 18, 2015
Coelocanth, my condolences. Sometimes life can be so hard, you can't stand it any longer. It must have been horrible on him and your family too. A lonely way to die. Hope you find console in each other as a family and the thought that your brother's suffering has been put to a rest.

New User
Registered: Apr 2011
From New Zealand
Posted February 19, 2015
I'm working on a large project at the moment myself and I find breaking it up into small pieces helps - sometimes those pieces have to be broken up even further. It's a software project and as a programmer it's very easy for me to add in features as I go - the whole "ooooooh, wouldn't it be cool if...." schtick. I sometimes (ok, always) have to force myself to back away and look at what I'm doing as nothing more than mere product that has to be completed within a certain time frame. And that's very difficult for me a lot of the time, because that isn't who I am. I completely understand where your coming from and I've felt like packing the whole thing in a number of times now. The thing that keeps me going is the fact that I've done so much work thus far and it'd just be a big friggin' waste of time; that, and a personal sense of shame to be honest.

Musing Aurelius
Registered: Dec 2010
From United States
Posted February 19, 2015
high rated

Keep other ideas in your notes, or block within the source code if you have coded it, and use the ideas to enhance the project later.
I used to do this, and when I was on a roll, I'd come up with all kinds of improvements. Since what the client wanted was already an agreed upon commodity, that is what was given. As a consultant, I could always suggest the rest later, and leave it up to them if they wanted to incorporate it. If not, I could open up a feature or two as a thank you, and keep the rest for incorporation into my next version.

Registered: Apr 2011
From United States
Posted February 19, 2015

New User
Registered: Apr 2011
From New Zealand
Posted February 19, 2015

Registered: Apr 2011
From United States
Posted February 19, 2015
Framework and descriptive prose for a game book.

Mainly human
Registered: May 2011
From Canada
Posted February 19, 2015
I am not a billionaire with 20 years old blond and fit triplet girlfriends.

proud to be a social jus- tice warrior
Registered: Jun 2010
From Netherlands
Posted February 19, 2015
Been trying for three days now to find the energy and courage to buy groceries and I still haven't managed. Vacation is supposed to be a period to do things I otherwise can't find the time and energy for - but I can't even find the energy and courage to go to town to buy the things I need.

proud to be a social jus- tice warrior
Registered: Jun 2010
From Netherlands
Posted February 19, 2015
off-topic, as it made me happy, but it's the follow-up of my post above: after lunch with a friend of mine I felt better and managed to muster the courage to get to the city to get my organic groceries. Yes!
plus I like Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition. Just started playing it this week and already put over a dozen hours in it.
plus I like Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition. Just started playing it this week and already put over a dozen hours in it.

Bad Hair Day
Find me in STEAM OT
Registered: Dec 2012
From Other
Posted February 19, 2015