Posted March 01, 2016
Cavalary: If it won't be too hard to code or make it even nastier to work within GOG's access ban limits, MaGOG may be used for this? Since there are wishlist extension gogmixes now, there could be actual wishlist gogmixes, with either tags or set interest ratings. Tags would likely need to be formatted in a certain way and have a stricter character limit, so you won't end up with full comments from every user when browsing, would allow more freedom for users, but won't allow any ordering by MaGOG. Set interest ratings (say: highest, high, medium, low, lowest, none - MaGOG only reads the first word in the comment and ignores it if it's not one of these) would also allow the "wishlisted by" line to be sorted according to interest (only question being where to fit those with unknown rating in the bunch) and likely also make way for an option to not display those with interest below a certain level.
... And now I'm feeling awkward for making suggestions that'd just require someone else to do probably plenty of work.
mrkgnao: I thought about it, but I'm a bit wary of even starting this, because the wishlist extensions feature has been used by exactly one person, so I consider it something of a wasted effort. I believe it is too cumbersome to maintain a wishlist in a gogmix (e.g. remember to delete games when you bought them, sorting them, etc.). ... And now I'm feeling awkward for making suggestions that'd just require someone else to do probably plenty of work.
(MaGOG wouldn't have to care whether a game is removed from such a mix after being removed from wishlist though. Way I thought of it, it'd check a wishlist it tracks, then look for a mix with a certain name, say "[user]'s prioritized wishlist" or "[user]'s tagged wishlist" or smth of the sort, and if it exists look for the games from the wishlist that are also in the mix and read those words. If a game's in the wishlist but not the mix, goes on as before, listed as wishlisted with no additional info. If it's in the mix but not in the wishlist, it ignores it, just to prevent such issues.)