Posted May 21, 2016
mrkgnao: I'd like to nominate some blood and chaos:
hyperagathon for Blood: One Unit Whole Blood
te_lanus for Blood 2: The Blood Group
Exoanthrope for Chaos Engine, The
How do I keep getting nominated for these things, I haven't even been very active around here lately. :P hyperagathon for Blood: One Unit Whole Blood
te_lanus for Blood 2: The Blood Group
Exoanthrope for Chaos Engine, The
I really should hang out here more, you folks are cool. Well this is a game I've been looking to try out since Zacron mentioned it in the Draw and Guess the game thread, so I'll be sure to check it out.
Thank you mrkgnao for the nomination and Mr.Caine for the donataion, and of course moonshineshadow for the giveaway again.