gloombandit: <is finally able to give something back to the community that's entertained him for so long>
English for speakers of other languages That's it! That's the one! Thanks! Seems like real.geizterfahr's is a bit more fitting for what I was thinking than flanner's, but at least I can finally put my burning forgetfulness to rest.
bjgamer: I'd like to request one of the Worms Forts: Under Siege keys please. Time for some good old fun and silliness. :)
Makotolia: WOW. That's quite clear. What's your major in college? It appears to me that maybe we can benefit from a thread in which we non-native English speakers can learn from you native speakers here on
Breja: I hate to be the "well, actually" guy, but a sphere is not the same as a ball. The two are used as synonyms in everyday language, but technically a sphere is the surface of a ball. A sphere is a two dimensional surface while a ball is the three dimensional shape (the sphere + all the points inside).
Indeed you're correct, but as I mentioned, I was going for more of a colloquial/everyday language sort of explanation.
tinyE: We'd better stop. Zeo doesn't like derailing.
I'd wager about half of the derailing in the thread is caused by me alone.