Timboli: The way I am reading this topic, is that people got a code to claim by, but never used it ... heaven's knows why.
If you look at the OP and see what this thread is for, you might begin to understand why.
This thing is a giveaway, and people are upset because they gave these codes to this giveaway with the understanding that these keys would not expire (as it has been in the past for things like Worms Forts Under Siege or LBA2 or other games). It ain't exactly the nicest feeling to be told that the expiration date of "never", which we're used to seeing from most giveaway keys before, is suddenly null and void and everyone's keys are expired without warning.
To be fair, it's only a minor annoyance since we're only talking freebies here, but the principle of the thing ain't too hot, not to mention, as has already been stated, they've screwed this up 3 times in a row (4, actually, if you count a similar incident I've been through recently) and you'd never notice unless you were paying close attention to the forum.
AWG43: Can I have Baldur's Gate: The Original Saga key if it still available?
Sorry, pal. You've gotta have a bit more community participation in order to get anything from this giveaway. Hang around the forum a bit, have fun, join some conversations, get to know some folks!
Denied due to lack of participation.