Klumpen0815: I love the reference to Nausicaä! :)
Great movie, everyone should see it.
fronzelneekburm: How the fuck is this downrepped? Nausicaä IS a great movie everyone should see.
Buncha triggered special snowflakes up in this bitch!
Vainamoinen is back and voting down all my posts as usual, I guess. Now I'm losing the points again I got for partaking in many threads every day and getting high ratings for giveaways etc... in the weeks of his absence.
It doesn't matter what's inside the posts.
Nausicaä is an 80s movie with a female hero which is strong, intelligent, caring, empathic, multi talented etc... and makes all the guys around her look like complete fools, so it surely wasn't because of what I've written inside the post.
Rusty_Gunn: Then again, the special snowflakes seem to hate anything fun.
Have you ever seen one of the PC-culture hive making a joke around here?
They're not here for fun, only for politics and hatred.
Maybe you are right and some people are just allergic to fun of any kind though.
Isn't the whole GamerGate thing mostly about how some people think that an agenda is an acceptable substitute for ethics anyway by now?
dtgreene: Also, what Kenneth Zucker was doing is indeed child abuse. Ordering a child's parents to discard toys the child likes (and which are not a health risk) is child abuse (as is actually doing so). Trying to change a person's personality is child abuse, and tends to lead to things like depression and suicide.
Shadowstalker16: My understanding is that he was able to treat kids with slight post-birth hormonal disorders(aka people with temporary gender dysphoria) with his method but he used it it equally to treat cases which were much more likely to be irreversible gender dysphoria with pre-natal origins. Either way, I don't know if taking toys away is child abuse, but its certainly a cold therapy technique.
And of course the question must be asked to every person who experiences gender dysphoria whether it is a temporary or permanent; because as you pointed out, a person not having it getting treatments as if they did have it is just as bad as people having and needing treatment not getting it.
If there are more clinics and docs who practice the methods which go middle ground between encouraging and suppressing, I think that is what should be treated as the normal for this. I don't speak for anyone else, but all I in my quite limited knowledge want is something that can accurately recognize temporary and permanent cases and treat each accordingly as opposed to either ''crush out all non matching feeling'' or ''encourage any and all unmatching feelings''.
Imho every tampering with a childs sexual identity is wrong, regardless of the direction.
If someone wants to have heavy body-mods after the age of 18 it shouldn't be a problem.
The problem is the whole topic "gender identity", I abhor the very idea completely since it's reviving the old role models instead of just letting them pass away naturally and having all possible combinations of body and character that may come naturally. I've always liked butch women and sensitive men and this whole modern nonsense is starting to prevent them from existing. Some people are so entangled in their academic circles, that they completely lost their common sense collectively and stop looking at it from a neutral angle.
When I was younger some people were
convinced I would be gay, because I wasn't your average dude at all and never did or was what people expected from me. I guess today some of the same people would be
convinced, that I am "trapped in the wrong body". It's neither, they should just go away and mind their own business and stop trying to hinder people from developing real self-acceptance.
I never did like, that the few real (=natural) hermaphrodites were always "treated" to become "proper men" or "proper women" (decided by their parents) at an early age either.
What is happening is the opposite of supporting natural diversity.
People tamper way too much.