Posted August 02, 2012

Registered: Jan 2010
From Norway

Buy Sacrifice!!!
Registered: Apr 2012
From Romania

Buy Sacrifice!!!
Registered: Apr 2012
From Romania
Posted August 03, 2012

Prince Of Persia: Warrior Within
The Book Of Unwritten Tales
Runaway 3: A Twist Of Fate
Return To Mysterious Island
If the spirit of giving moves you, PM me. Thanks in advance!

Disagreement Verboten!
Registered: Sep 2010
From United States
Posted August 03, 2012

I wouldn't quit GOG no matter how much I'd disagree with what's happening at the forums so I wouldn't be "losing" anything (that isn't already "lost") if I stop frequenting the forums. I see no point hanging around if it's behind a "glass screen" - just like I do play some sports, yet barely ever watches any on the telly - "being close" doesn't cut it.
That's kind of my point: I "do [my] best to oppose it and get it removed from the forum altogether or diminish it's[sic] presence there(if possible)". Yet you question my mental abilities for doing so.
Maybe I am; I am certainly used to my words carrying weight IRL. But I actually thought that more people than just me would find this "out of place", as I don't see it as a "personal preference" rather than "common decency". There's a time and a place for everything, and more so when you're on someone else's turf.
Actually, I do feel a bit more entitled than the average Joe, when it comes to this thread. I've fulfilled many a wish in this thread ($800+ spent on gifts to 100+ complete strangers, most of them in this very thread), yet it's too much to ask of those who're in this thread to receive something for nothing that they try to keep it to GOG titles.
Not only that, I'm being scolded for even daring to suggest such an outrageous thing. I don't know about you, but that really sours the whole gifting experience for me.
It may look like I'm pushing away your suggestions quickly, but so far nothing (that I remember at the moment, anyway) has come up that I hadn't already considered long before speaking my mind the first time. Why pretend mulling something over when I've already done so and found it lacking?
So, I guess you're right - it's time for me to stop bitching and just move on. This isn't the place for me anymore.
I meant quitting the forums, actually, when I posted that bit.....and c'mon, are you saying that if you didn't see the changes you wanted to see occur on the forums that the forums would become totally unusable/unenjoyable to you?
An analogy: Just because you might consider the content/etc of some tv channels crap/garbage that doesn't mean you'd quit TV/cable entirely.
Because you're attempts are pretty much destined to fail(imo) as many are(seemingly) ok with how things are now(And many of those that oppose this thread's usage don't see the issue as a big enough problem to worry/get upset over.), so why continue trying? It's like the old saying/quote "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results."
You see your efforts aren't working and likely will not work in the future, yet you keep trying while (seemingly) expecting a different result each time. (Instead of just accepting things as they are and enjoying the site/site features you DO like/enjoy while ignoring the ones you don't.)
(Not saying you're insane, btw....i'm just using the quote to illustrate a point.)
That's just it, you're only one man with one opinion(As I am with mine.).......if you think your words should carry weight then you should also be willing to accept that other people's words should be able to carry weight as well, and be willing to graciously concede "defeat" when your opinion/pov isn't upheld by the majority.
While it's admirable & commendable that you've done such a service for so many people, it doesn't(Imo) give you any more or less weight to your opinions on how this thread/other parts of the forum should be run(or really how anything should occur on this forum).....i'd also expect it to be the same for everyone here(including me), btw, when/if they decided to be just as or more generous.
What you're basically saying(seemingly) here and now is "I give all this stuff to people & think that that should entitle(There's that word again.) me to get my way on an issue."
It's not that you're not willing to consider such, but the fact that you're unwilling(seemingly) to even try the suggestions given to you by others on this/other issues.
*Sigh*....see this is what i'm talking about. No one is saying you have to move on, yet you seem to think that your only options are that people change their ways on GOG or you'll be "forced" to move on.

Prince Of Persia: Warrior Within
The Book Of Unwritten Tales
Runaway 3: A Twist Of Fate
Return To Mysterious Island
If the spirit of giving moves you, PM me. Thanks in advance!
Post edited August 03, 2012 by GameRager

Buy Sacrifice!!!
Registered: Apr 2012
From Romania
Posted August 03, 2012
No, all non-GOG game requests go there, not here. That's the purpose. And will edit your posts so they don't occupy half the page?
EDIT : Fucking Formatting...
EDIT : Fucking Formatting...

Disagreement Verboten!
Registered: Sep 2010
From United States
Posted August 03, 2012

EDIT : Fucking Formatting...
Also i'm sorry my posts are tl;dr, but I tend to ramble/write alot when i'm replying to certain replies. :P

Registered: Jan 2009
From Spain
Posted August 03, 2012
Could somebody please gift me Jagged Alliance 2: Wildfire? This one is almost the longest wishlisted game I have and now is on sale and I can't buy it.
Thank you very much.
Thank you very much.
Post edited August 03, 2012 by Ghildrean

Registered: Dec 2009
From Poland
Posted August 03, 2012
Enclave or Septerra Core would be amazing :)

Use the Fork
Registered: Nov 2011
From Sweden
Posted August 03, 2012
Enclave, being on my top 10, I would very much appreciate if some kind soul gifted me

Disagreement Verboten!
Registered: Sep 2010
From United States
Posted August 03, 2012

Thank you very much.
You too
Not a problem....enjoy.
Post edited August 03, 2012 by GameRager

Registered: Dec 2009
From Poland

Friendship is magic. Magic is Heresy!
Registered: Sep 2008
From Brazil

Vote for Ever 17!
Registered: Sep 2010
From Poland

Friendship is magic. Magic is Heresy!
Registered: Sep 2008
From Brazil

Registered: Jan 2009
From Spain
Posted August 03, 2012

Thank you very much.
