Posted June 14, 2018

Aarklash Legacy
Lord of the Rings War in the North
Aarklash Legacy tips even further in the tactical direction, and there are no respawns at all as I recall. I definitely wouldn't put this in the ARPG camp. The story is really secondary to the point that I'd suggest this really only as a tactical combat RPG.
The thing that makes Aarklash interesting is that you can really mix and match the supporting characters. There are, for example, two tanks, but they have fairly significantly different pros and cons, 1-2 melee dps, some ranged dps, and a variety of hybrid dps/buff/cc types, both in your party and amongst the enemies. Definitely much harder combat, and you may have to experiment with different combos and strategies, and will also need to use the mouse over to see what various enemies are doing and what needs dodging/interrupting.
I actually liked both games quite a bit. Ember I did finish - AL I had to stop in the middle of a "maze" section b/c of life and work and when I came back to it a few weeks later I couldn't tell where I was supposed to go, nor did I find any online guides or get any responses when I posted in the forum here.
So if you were asking me which game is more fun, I'd say Ember. But it's not super hard. If you were asking me which game is better...probably AL, but it's basically 90% combat and 10% navigation.