For my own personal selfish interest, I don't like GOG alledged reliance on the wishlist. It doesn' work at all for new titles unless they had a huge marketing campaign or were amidst some stupid controversy. And anyway, the titles I'm most interested in will never have many wishlist votes.
But then, what a sad world this would be if stores only sold starwars, marvel, jurassic park or transformer movies.
ReynardFox: Off the top of my head there's Gothic 3 Forsaken Gods, Daikatana, Earthworm Jim 3D, Fist Puncher, Master of Orion 3... all games with generally poor to scathing reviews at release, yet they somehow made it here anyway.
And yet I like that all those games are here. Some complete -although poorly- a series of games, and some others are/were relevant at their time. And in the case of Daikatana, at least, I hear it's more of an average FPS but the expectations at the time were too big for its own good.