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low rated
It happened again (note: this link is to a site that gives 403 errors if you are using a less common browser that doesn't pretend to be Mozilla):

This victim's name was Tamara Dominguez.

Also, apparently there was another murder I hadn't heard about, bringing the total up to 18.

To make matters worse, other news articles have been hiding the fact that the victim is transgender and even misgendering her. (This is a common problem with the news in general, actually; transgender murder victims are way too often deadnamed and misgendered even in death.)
Momo1991: Well Charles, Tranicus regularly hunts down "suspected" scammers and blasts them off the face of the earth - or used to - without little cause or proof. So yeah, I am simply returning his karma in kind, in public. Private PM's to him return me absolutely zero except PM's from whatever girl he's managed to wrangle into supporting him or pages of text from him directly.

So yeah - no.

His comments to me previously re: scammers he suspects? "Momo, you are being taken advantage of. Stop being kind to these people- they are NOT your friends".

Listen, I can decide who I will trust and who I will not trust. Tranicus has lost that trust and anything I have to say to him will be public.

In this case, he's clearly derailed the OP's thread with straw man arguments about how the OP's comments are not valid due to every other fucking world issue - wouldn't you agree? I am simply asking this "oh the world issues are sooo much more important than your "little" issue", to crawl back under his troll bridge and fuck off. So what is "private PM level" about that, I ask you?
Oh the irony of you denigrating me by calling me "Tranicus" in a thread about transgender murders. Bringing up issues("scammer hunting") from well over a year ago (it must be getting close to 2?) and continuing to flout disdain publicly for a tiff that occurred 8 months ago between us bespeaks a lot about "returning his karma in kind, in public."

dtgreene: Here's a report I found (linked from a reddit comment):

It's a few years old (the report covers the year 2012), but it does have some statistics.

There's also a 2013 version:

From the 2013 report, "Almost three-quarters (72%) of homicide victims were transgender women, and more than two-thirds (67%) of homicide victims were transgender women of color, yet transgender survivors and victims only represent 13% of total reports to NCAVP".
If you are going to post statistics, please be accurate in your usage of them:

"In 2013, anti-LGBTQ and HIV-affected homicides decreased from 25 hate violence homicides in 2012, to 18 hate violence homicides in 2013. Despite this documented decrease, homicides for 2013 remain amongst the highest ever recorded by NCAVP. Additionally, for a fourth year in a row, NCAVP’s findings reflect a disproportionate impact of deadly violence for people of color, transgender women, transgender people of color, and gay men:

*Almost 90% of all homicide victims in 2013 were people of color, yet LGBTQ and HIV-affected people of color only represented 55% of total survivors and victims. The overwhelming majority of homicide victims, 78%, were Black and African American, 11% of homicide victims were Latin@, and 11% of homicide victims were white.

*Almost three-quarters (72%) of homicide victims were transgender women, and more than two-thirds(67%)of homicide victims were transgender women of color, yet transgender survivors and victims only represent 13% of total reports to NCAVP.

*In 2013, 27.78% of homicide victims were men, all of whom identified as gay."

Again, I ask, what do you propose to do about this situation besides creating a drama-filled thread with a lot of assumptions in it? (i.e. that each and every one of these individuals was targetted due to their gender). Assuming that all were targetted for that reason, how does one persuade another not to be bigoted(and act violently) based on this issue?
low rated
Just dropped by to post this one, but see I've been beat to it. 4th in a week I believe.
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budejovice: Just dropped by to post this one, but see I've been beat to it. 4th in a week I believe.
I think it might actually be 5th reported trans murder victim in a week.

Actually, a news article dated on the 15th says it is the fifth in a week:
low rated
Yet another one:

The article says this is number 18, but reddit comments suggest the total may be 22 or 23.
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And again (according to this site, victim number 19, named Keyshia Blige):
low rated
Unfortunately, I have to post about yet another one. Her name was Kiesha Jenkins.

(At least we had over a month between incidents.)
low rated
And of course, it happened again: Her name was Zella Ziona