amok: Well, you are the first person I have meet arguing that companies like Coka Cola and Exxon favour comunist ideals ( (or is even remotely left-wing) - refreshing. But yes, better to leave it there. Only want to say left-wing (and indeed socialsism) =/= comunism
There were many companies there, some of them are in favour of socialism principles, while others, comunism principles.
That's why I said "most", not all of them.
I understand that socialism =/= communism, but both have shared principles here and there. Just like radical right-wing and radical left-wing. But even famous authors couldn't define for sure what is what, who are we to define what is what here without a deep debate?
It's an interesting research, aligned with how right-wing parties tend to use, sometimes, left-wing economic strategies, which is weird, because most of them consider themselvs "conservative".
But the topic is complex. Sorry to bother and thanks for the chat about it. :)
The bad about this 'downvote' mechanic, is that people who doesn't agree with you can down vote without expressing their world view, which means, we, who get down voted, stay without understand other people point of view.
Not that we should care about this in the first place, but, shouldn't we understand who disagree with us in a polite way? How can we analise each other point of view if just pressing a 'dislike' is the most used tool to, well, disagree?
Say your arguments. Im a person that loves debates. Even in PM if you want. I'd love to chat with who disagree, so we can all learn. :)