P1na: Why is it that you make it so hard for me to connect to the internet from the country?
Ireland and the Chzeck republic have wifi on (many of) their buses, for free. Spain sometimes is supposed to have it as well, even if it never works. Romania had free wifi on the train stations. Finding open wifis en Vietnam was never a problem. Belgium offers free wifi on their main squares (at least in Gent and Kortrijk they do). Worldwide, on all my years backpacking, I've only had to pay for wifi on a hostel twice: once in London (it was something like 1 pound for as long as you stayed) and a place in Glasgow that charged a ridiculous 2 pounds per hour (so I stayed at the nearby pub, and spent the money in beer and connected to the wifi over there).
Enter Germany. The most expensive train prices, premium of 10€ if you want wifi. 30+€ for a HI hostel (more expensive than Paris or Japan), plus 5€ for the internet
per day. And it only works in the lobby, not in the rooms! Bonus points for claiming the internet is free on the website despite it all. And if you try an A&O hostel, they have free wifi... well, what appears to be a normal household connection for 500 people; so it works when it feels like working. And then you get desperate, hit a restaurant that has a wifi sticker on the door and think to connect there. BUT! They have security, so you enter your email address and then send the password to your email. All great, except for the tiny little detail that you need internet to check your email for the wifi password, and you need the wifi to connect to the internet in the first place. Starving philosophers, anyone?
Germany, you suck. I've been here 2 days and I'm seriously thinking of fleeing the country. I simply can't work from here.
Yes, thankfully most of the time, when I am in Germany it is business so I don't pay for it. However in UK its not a huge amount better. You have the choice of having BT (Openreach or whatever they call themselves now) either just the cable or the net as well, and they are truly one of the worse companies around, must be something about adding the word British to a companies name (Rail/Oil for example). That and the fact that unless your in central london, on a clear day waving your phone in east-west pattern you can't get signal, let alone xG. Its got to the stage where I am is I type the message on the phone, then attach the phone to a pigeon and send that off.