I've been playing Dungeons of Dredmor a lot. I enjoyed it initially, but only put a few hours in. Since the latest expansion I've put in probably eight/ten hours over the last two weeks.
I roll up a random character, then go to a name randomizer and make a random name that fits. I got the furthest with Avi Lawcastle; necromantic pyromancer. She got luck screwed in the end though, as all characters seem to.
Goatbrush: Really? I played the first Mass Effect game and it was fun but I wasn't hugely impressed so I've been slacking on the rest of the series. I may check #2 out.
Bibora: Same deal with me. First one was a good game, but i had some friends were saying it was great. While it was a good game, comparing it to second, at least for me, i feel the game greatly improves.
I find this interesting. I wouldn't say Mass Effect 1 was a great game, I had a lot of fun playing it. But I just recently uninstalled Mass Effect 2 without finishing it.
To me, they took what was a RPG with shooter mechanics and turned it into a shooter with RPG mechanics. Took out skills, took out choices, took out the need to specialize the characters (Shepard can do everything himself), and made it feel really shallow.
I got tired of it about 17 hours in, where as I played ME1 way back on my 360 twice.