MMLN: The game is much better, after Gearbox fixed the typo bug in the AI code of Aliens. Before it was complete trainwreck, now it it pretty average game, not bad, but not good either ;)
tinyE: I paid like $5 for it. I call it a bargain even if it sucks.
And did they update the sounds?
I read in a review for the original that the sounds, especially for the guns, were awful and not true to the movies, but I think they are fantastic. The iconic pulse rifle sounds great and VERY true to form.
I am sorry, I do not know. I do not own the game, so all I know, is what friends told me about the improvement of gameplay after the typo fix. No clue about gun sounds.
Well, now I remember it was fix by a game owner and not by the company, so I really do not know, if Gearbox officially fixed this typo.
Just in case, after few minutes of searching, I have found you the explanation how to fix it by yourself, if Gearbox hasn't fixed it by themselves yet :