Matewis: Yeah well you really know how to draw :) Was it part of your job at some stage or is it simply a hobby? Ever done any big projects? I'd love to try and attempt a big 40K-ish battle scene one day, if I can only somehow get my painting up to par :P
Thanks! But I haven't been drawing anything other than very simple "How to draw X" instructions for his lunchbox. I'm hoping it will encourage him to draw more often himself, but primarily I just do it to make the kid happy midway through his six (sometimes eight) hour school day. He still holds a pencil like he's out to menace the table. (Happily, his younger sister draws and paints for two hours a day.)
I've haven't drawn very much professionally. Almost zip. Same is true for large projects.
40K stuff sounds friendly enough. I find it difficult to draw subtle surfaces like young faces, but grizzly dudes with angular wrinkles dressed in steel shoeboxes are easy to see as piles of basic forms. Plus, I can fairly clumsily splash yellow-orange highlights on any surface facing an explosion. And the subject is super cool.
Holler if you paint something interesting. Maybe I'll be inspired to try myself. I rarely do more than sketch, and so I don't think I paint well at all. I could use some practice.