Posted June 23, 2016
Playing Ultima 1 and thoroughly enjoying it. I wish there were more RPGs that focused primarily on powering up your character rather than annoying things like story or navigating towns.
HereForTheBeer: For the bad: now have a couple acres to take care of, and the high speed internet out there isn't high speed at all. Phone co says something like 768k. Ouch. Hopefully that's enough to run the business without much hassle. A bit irritated at the lack of speed since we're just 1.5 and 3 miles from two towns (directly between them) that each have 60 Mb service. At least you're not on dial-up. 768k is over 13 times peak dial-up speed.
Also, if you need to run a public-facing server, there's also Virtual Private Servers you can rent that should provide good bandwidth.

Also, if you need to run a public-facing server, there's also Virtual Private Servers you can rent that should provide good bandwidth.
Post edited June 23, 2016 by dtgreene