Posted July 26, 2018

- apparently we wanted to spend more money. Haha. Ugh - the pole mounts certainly increased the cost a fair chunk.
- topography of the land. We're on the northern slope of a hill, with a lot of trees up top. There are just two decent locations for solar on our property, neither of them roof mount: one would be a ground mount on the east border of our land and the other was the pole mount in the current location. Pole mount on the west side won out for a few reasons: that part of the land was already torn up when the retaining wall was replaced, it didn't mess with the neighbor's view to the northwest, had fewer potential shading issues, and it does allow for height flexibility to deal with taking care of the lawn, dealing with snowfall, etc.
They were going to be about a meter lower but I wanted the taller poles for the snow and lawn care issues. That, and the potential for winter shading from snow piles created as I plow the upper area to the south. It was a matter of 'better safe than sorry'.
As you mention, we don't see pole mounts here often, either. Let's face it: they cost significantly more and can be a bit of an eyesore for the neighbors. For some reason granola-head Wisconsin hasn't seemed to have adopted solar much at all, which is curious to me since we get the same amount of sun annually as Florida. The bit I have seen in my travels has mostly been found on farms, and those are anecdotally about 50-50 ground and roof mount. Pole mounts are used when there are shading problems or land-use problems. Or if someone wants to use a tracking system, but those are going out of favor - high installation cost, high maintenance, high repair cost. Nowadays it's cheaper just to get more panels instead.
Who knew Electrician's Crack was a thing?
Happy Birthday! Hope you get the time to enjoy the games.