Posted October 27, 2015

New User
Registered: Jun 2013
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-120 Club. ♥XX
Registered: Jul 2012
From United Kingdom
Posted October 27, 2015
low rated

But that's also hand in hand with GOG's web team continuing to ignore the myriad problems raised with the forum, and support even helping scammers by helping them change their usernames. I understand that the support team doesn't know what the web team is doing and they may not even pay attention to the forums, but when people are admitting to screwing over others in public on the forum, it doesn't look good when you don't even bother to do at least some cursory looking into people requesting a username change.
Add to this the people who would scream bloody murder and censorship at even the mention of moderation on the forums (with laissez-faire mod practices even touted as a feature of your forum community), and you have a company who even may have an incentive to not care about their forum community.

For those of you gifting your extra, unwanted Steam keys, at least stop dropping them here without some kind of system in place to ensure they aren't going to NES-alt accounts that will just trade them.... At least stop dropping free-range codes that any bot can pick-up and redeem on alt-Steam accounts that are then resold.
Seriously people, get a clue. GOG has become a major magnet for scammers and leechers. Sad day for the Momo to say this but buy your drm-free games here but find another place to off-load your extra Steam codes.... at least get some "rep" for them over on SG. :-)
Post edited October 27, 2015 by dick1982

Registered: May 2015
From United States

"LOL LOL whazza chiggi chugga - love you people!"
Registered: Jul 2013
From United States

-120 Club. ♥XX
Registered: Jul 2012
From United Kingdom
Posted October 27, 2015
low rated

2. What is your definition of a "scammer" ? People like apehater are going around calling anyone with low rep a scammer.
3. If you don't like how people are doing giveaways then mind your own business.
right now, because of your clone army, your more visible scammer squad and frendos have a higher rep than me. which means you're blatantly lying about apehater. so stop repeating lies, and make more convincing lies???
Post edited October 27, 2015 by dick1982

Need fresh blood :)
Registered: Nov 2011
From France
Posted October 27, 2015

2. What is your definition of a "scammer" ? People like apehater are going around calling anyone with low rep a scammer.
3. If you don't like how people are doing giveaways then mind your own business.
2 - gamer a want to trade game X for game Z to gamer B , gamer B is agree but doesn't deliver what he's offered in exchange
3 - sure , and so codes should be dropped everyday by everyone having extra code for example , that's just irresponsable in the actual situation..
i'm not there to dictate how everyone should do or not to do its giveaways, but there're some common sense , which seems obvious to me.... ignoring the common sense it's just feeding more leechers / bots and scammers.
Post edited October 27, 2015 by DyNaer

Registered: Jun 2009
From United States

Think Different.
Registered: Sep 2008
From Canada
Posted October 27, 2015

For the record, I disagree with him in that I think that at the very least, some form of moderation has been long needed on the forums.
Post edited October 27, 2015 by rampancy

The flamin beer will burp you down!
Registered: Apr 2009
From Germany
Posted October 27, 2015
Trust me when I say that I never gifted a cretan, neither on this site nor anywhere else.
(Shipping would be tooo expensive)
(Shipping would be tooo expensive)

Registered: Apr 2009
From Australia

finding balance
Registered: Dec 2010
From United States

sleeper slice
Registered: Sep 2012
From United States
Posted October 27, 2015
I bought a floppy cloth hat in Crete. It's touristy but not showy. It's tan with a little sun embroidered on the front and a small "Greece" underneath. I wear it often. After I launder it, it still smells like a decade of sunblock varieties. I nap with it on my face and it feels like summertime. I'd be sad if I ever lost it.

Registered: Jan 2012
From United States
Posted October 27, 2015
SG = Steamgifts. It is a site designed for giveaways and has rules that can get an account kicked off the site if they don't redeem the won code and trade it instead. There is also a GoG Steamgifts group. It's pretty much a well thought out giveaway site that has learned from the experience of scammers everywhere.

down with DRM
Registered: Sep 2010
From Other
Posted October 27, 2015
yeah, me too, I thought that we had to go to Singapore in order to gift freely :)

Pre-Galaxy GOGizen
Registered: Sep 2010
From Australia
Posted October 27, 2015