Posted February 04, 2017

Ack Ack Ack!
Registered: Apr 2013
From Belgium

Durik - Half-Orc
Registered: Dec 2013
From Italy
Posted February 05, 2017

okay, I give up. there's no such thing as a role-player who's even a remotely decent person.
He wrote a wall of text just to help you and you attack him?
Why did you even create this thread, if you don't want help? Only to whine?
Post edited February 05, 2017 by phaolo

New User
Registered: Dec 2013
From United States
Posted February 05, 2017
low rated
Isn't this fucking great?
Started a new game, this time with a paladin. Tried to do the beggar's nest after I found I couldn't do the penninsula district. Yeah, I was stupid enough to follow the advice of trolls again. That area's even harder than the peninsula district! And I'm a paladin! Yeah, I still get swarmed with 5-10 enemies at once, but at least they're not all rated as 'difficult'.
For anyone who is looking for advice on this forum: don't listen to anyone. Role-players are nothing but trolls that dupe noobs into doing stupid shit that will only get them killed. Don't listen to anyone, don't read any guides, just figure it out on your own, because no one will ever tell you anything that can possibly work.
Started a new game, this time with a paladin. Tried to do the beggar's nest after I found I couldn't do the penninsula district. Yeah, I was stupid enough to follow the advice of trolls again. That area's even harder than the peninsula district! And I'm a paladin! Yeah, I still get swarmed with 5-10 enemies at once, but at least they're not all rated as 'difficult'.
For anyone who is looking for advice on this forum: don't listen to anyone. Role-players are nothing but trolls that dupe noobs into doing stupid shit that will only get them killed. Don't listen to anyone, don't read any guides, just figure it out on your own, because no one will ever tell you anything that can possibly work.

Ret - 2 - Gog
Registered: Oct 2008
From Canada
Posted February 05, 2017

More like, an old fart throwing a tantrum, because he doesn't like Guardians of the Galaxy.
It's like shaking a red towel in front of a bull, it can't resist...

Kwisatz Haderach
Registered: Sep 2008
From Canada
Posted February 05, 2017
high rated

Started a new game, this time with a paladin. Tried to do the beggar's nest after I found I couldn't do the penninsula district. Yeah, I was stupid enough to follow the advice of trolls again. That area's even harder than the peninsula district! And I'm a paladin! Yeah, I still get swarmed with 5-10 enemies at once, but at least they're not all rated as 'difficult'.
For anyone who is looking for advice on this forum: don't listen to anyone. Role-players are nothing but trolls that dupe noobs into doing stupid shit that will only get them killed. Don't listen to anyone, don't read any guides, just figure it out on your own, because no one will ever tell you anything that can possibly work.
You're real piece of work. The only troll I see here is you. I genuinely tried to give you some advice, and noted that it's been a long time since I played through the NWN1 campaign, so I may make some errors. I even noted that it wasn't intentional. But you decided to completely ignore that.
Instead, you want to call people names and blame someone else for your own shortcomings. Typical juvenile and trollish behaviour. And 'roleplayer'? I never claimed any such thing. In fact, in NWN I was pretty much the antithesis of 'roleplayer', building powergaming characters to be as effective as possible. Bottom line here is something I rarely ever say to anyone, but it sure seems to apply to you:
learn to play.
So go ahead, swear, rant, and call me names if it makes you feel somehow empowered. I'm done with you.

Ack Ack Ack!
Registered: Apr 2013
From Belgium
Posted February 05, 2017

buy Evil Genius
Registered: Nov 2008
From United States
Posted February 05, 2017
I used to never finish games, now I occasionally finish them. I think it usually comes down to a poorly designed difficulty curve resulting in gameplay that's suddenly too hard or too easy through out. That or the game just not being compelling enough to play.
These days, I don't necessarily always of the time to play, but if I can finish it over the course of a weekend, then I'm much more likely to just play the entire weekend and then be done with it.
These days, I don't necessarily always of the time to play, but if I can finish it over the course of a weekend, then I'm much more likely to just play the entire weekend and then be done with it.

New User
Registered: Dec 2013
From United States
Posted February 05, 2017
low rated
Decided to run around in DM mode to figure out what the stats of all the monsters are.
For some bizarre reason, the areas are mostly empty. I don't understand why. Where I do find prisoners or cultists, they're always level 1. So then why are they labeled as 'very difficult' to my level 3 paladin????
What I really don't get is why I suddenly can't progress in this game at all. I mean, I've gotten to the final area in the first chapter twice, the last time with little to no effort, but now I get slaughtered by everything bc I get swarmed by dozens of enemies at once.
I don't get it. None of this makes any sense. The damned DM client is malfunctioning, I mean, why aren't there enemies anywhere??? And why is the game suddenly impossible for me???? The thing obviously wasn't updated. I just turned it on one day and suddenly is harder than I remember the last time I played it like a year go. What the fuck is this???????
I'm obviously cursed. There's no logical reason for any of this. None at all. I mean, why the fuck did the game change when the master server has been offline for years????? The game changed on its own, without ANY outside input!!!!!
Its overwhelmingly obvious, I'm cursed, and whatever is behind it is intelligent. And I don't give a shit what the cult of science has to say about it. Science is NOTHING but fantasy bullshit dreamt up by narcissts who literally never go outside, never analyze, never see the world for themselves. They just daydream all fucking day and believe their own daydreams.
I don't even know what the fuck I can do about this, or if anything can be done about it.
For some bizarre reason, the areas are mostly empty. I don't understand why. Where I do find prisoners or cultists, they're always level 1. So then why are they labeled as 'very difficult' to my level 3 paladin????
What I really don't get is why I suddenly can't progress in this game at all. I mean, I've gotten to the final area in the first chapter twice, the last time with little to no effort, but now I get slaughtered by everything bc I get swarmed by dozens of enemies at once.
I don't get it. None of this makes any sense. The damned DM client is malfunctioning, I mean, why aren't there enemies anywhere??? And why is the game suddenly impossible for me???? The thing obviously wasn't updated. I just turned it on one day and suddenly is harder than I remember the last time I played it like a year go. What the fuck is this???????
I'm obviously cursed. There's no logical reason for any of this. None at all. I mean, why the fuck did the game change when the master server has been offline for years????? The game changed on its own, without ANY outside input!!!!!
Its overwhelmingly obvious, I'm cursed, and whatever is behind it is intelligent. And I don't give a shit what the cult of science has to say about it. Science is NOTHING but fantasy bullshit dreamt up by narcissts who literally never go outside, never analyze, never see the world for themselves. They just daydream all fucking day and believe their own daydreams.
I don't even know what the fuck I can do about this, or if anything can be done about it.

You're in my spot
Registered: Apr 2012
From Poland
Posted February 06, 2017
I'm starting to think the OP has some genuine mental issues. You're being a dick to people who try to help and you're going foaming at the mouth mad over computer games. I mean... it's just games. Even if you suck at them beyond any hope, it's still just games. Get a grip.
Also, +infinity to GR00T for spending a lot of his time trying to help. I'm sorry all you got for your trouble was insults.
Also, +infinity to GR00T for spending a lot of his time trying to help. I'm sorry all you got for your trouble was insults.

New User
Registered: Dec 2013
From United States
Posted February 06, 2017
low rated
Its pretty obvious this forum would be nothing but trolls, when you have no way to report them.
No report function: community where trolls can do as they please without any possibility of consequence.
Dead give away right there. If only I knew that before making this thread. I really wish I could just delete it btw. Sadly, this 'forum' apparently lacks this old and universal function.
No report function: community where trolls can do as they please without any possibility of consequence.
Dead give away right there. If only I knew that before making this thread. I really wish I could just delete it btw. Sadly, this 'forum' apparently lacks this old and universal function.

New User
Registered: Sep 2012
From Australia
Posted February 06, 2017
i never played nwn1 because i played through nwn2 but its too complex - i mean i like character development but that is just insane!
play Dungeonsiege 2.... in that game allot of enemies re spawn so you can grind experience as much as you want in easy areas whenever the front line gets too hard.
play Dungeonsiege 2.... in that game allot of enemies re spawn so you can grind experience as much as you want in easy areas whenever the front line gets too hard.

New User
Registered: Dec 2013
From United States
Posted February 07, 2017
low rated
Decided to try again at a fighter/weapon master. I did well with that the last playthrough, but I had to quit bc I couldn't defend my rogue.
And its the same story this game. The enemies always always always ignore me and run off to kill Tomi, and I can't always block their path so they can't get to him. Also, Tomi doesn't have enough sense to switch weapons when he's in melee, so he keeps using his bow (on the things attack me and not him) and provoking attacks of opportunity.
Got into the prison again, and faced the same damned problem: more than a dozen enemies all in my face. Luckily, it turns out that you can use the stone of recall mid-combat, and it doesn't even provoke an attack of opportunity! I had to use it half a dozen times to kill everything. Kill one or guys, stone back at a sliver of health, and to retrieve Tomi, and repeat 6 times, and you got yourself 15 (I counted) dead prisoners. It seems like anytime I start a fight now, literally every enemy in the zone converges on my location. I really noticed this when I was in the begger's nest. I started a fight with a few zombies near the entrance. I sat there for several minutes watching my paladin auto-attack a seemingly endless wave of zombies. Literally every zombie in the zone had come to that little spot, except the few who were attacking citizens. Don't know why my game is behaving this way, but oh well.
And I'm thinking of changing my character, again. Why? I'm missing persuade. And don't listen to all the idiot trolls that say charisma is useless and persuade is a waste of points. It is in virtually all custom modules, bc all rpers ever want to do is kill shit. But the OC rewards you greatly for having that skill. Honestly, you'll get more out of it than lock pikcing to give you an idea of how important it is. There's half a dozen npcs that will give you quest chains, but only if you're the right class. But you can easily persuade them to give you the quest even if you're not the required class. Essentially, if you don't have persuade, you're missing out on thousands of xp points and half the game's content.
And I'm typing this just so that anyone who does want serious help has something they can look at that will give them genuine advice.
And yes, I know I could just turn down the difficulty, and I am tempted to do that, but then I would feel guilty for cheating. Besides, in the past I played on the highest difficulty, so playing it at normal is kinda pushing it for me already. And yes, it really makes no sense why turning the difficulty down makes the game harder. I noticed this with nwn2 (the highest difficulty was actually the easiest, and the middle the hardest). Of course, that game was made by a different company, so....
And its the same story this game. The enemies always always always ignore me and run off to kill Tomi, and I can't always block their path so they can't get to him. Also, Tomi doesn't have enough sense to switch weapons when he's in melee, so he keeps using his bow (on the things attack me and not him) and provoking attacks of opportunity.
Got into the prison again, and faced the same damned problem: more than a dozen enemies all in my face. Luckily, it turns out that you can use the stone of recall mid-combat, and it doesn't even provoke an attack of opportunity! I had to use it half a dozen times to kill everything. Kill one or guys, stone back at a sliver of health, and to retrieve Tomi, and repeat 6 times, and you got yourself 15 (I counted) dead prisoners. It seems like anytime I start a fight now, literally every enemy in the zone converges on my location. I really noticed this when I was in the begger's nest. I started a fight with a few zombies near the entrance. I sat there for several minutes watching my paladin auto-attack a seemingly endless wave of zombies. Literally every zombie in the zone had come to that little spot, except the few who were attacking citizens. Don't know why my game is behaving this way, but oh well.
And I'm thinking of changing my character, again. Why? I'm missing persuade. And don't listen to all the idiot trolls that say charisma is useless and persuade is a waste of points. It is in virtually all custom modules, bc all rpers ever want to do is kill shit. But the OC rewards you greatly for having that skill. Honestly, you'll get more out of it than lock pikcing to give you an idea of how important it is. There's half a dozen npcs that will give you quest chains, but only if you're the right class. But you can easily persuade them to give you the quest even if you're not the required class. Essentially, if you don't have persuade, you're missing out on thousands of xp points and half the game's content.
And I'm typing this just so that anyone who does want serious help has something they can look at that will give them genuine advice.
And yes, I know I could just turn down the difficulty, and I am tempted to do that, but then I would feel guilty for cheating. Besides, in the past I played on the highest difficulty, so playing it at normal is kinda pushing it for me already. And yes, it really makes no sense why turning the difficulty down makes the game harder. I noticed this with nwn2 (the highest difficulty was actually the easiest, and the middle the hardest). Of course, that game was made by a different company, so....

Registered: Jul 2015
From Australia
Posted February 07, 2017

And its the same story this game. The enemies always always always ignore me and run off to kill Tomi, and I can't always block their path so they can't get to him. Also, Tomi doesn't have enough sense to switch weapons when he's in melee, so he keeps using his bow (on the things attack me and not him) and provoking attacks of opportunity.
Got into the prison again, and faced the same damned problem: more than a dozen enemies all in my face. Luckily, it turns out that you can use the stone of recall mid-combat, and it doesn't even provoke an attack of opportunity! I had to use it half a dozen times to kill everything. Kill one or guys, stone back at a sliver of health, and to retrieve Tomi, and repeat 6 times, and you got yourself 15 (I counted) dead prisoners. It seems like anytime I start a fight now, literally every enemy in the zone converges on my location. I really noticed this when I was in the begger's nest. I started a fight with a few zombies near the entrance. I sat there for several minutes watching my paladin auto-attack a seemingly endless wave of zombies. Literally every zombie in the zone had come to that little spot, except the few who were attacking citizens. Don't know why my game is behaving this way, but oh well.
And I'm thinking of changing my character, again. Why? I'm missing persuade. And don't listen to all the idiot trolls that say charisma is useless and persuade is a waste of points. It is in virtually all custom modules, bc all rpers ever want to do is kill shit. But the OC rewards you greatly for having that skill. Honestly, you'll get more out of it than lock pikcing to give you an idea of how important it is. There's half a dozen npcs that will give you quest chains, but only if you're the right class. But you can easily persuade them to give you the quest even if you're not the required class. Essentially, if you don't have persuade, you're missing out on thousands of xp points and half the game's content.
And I'm typing this just so that anyone who does want serious help has something they can look at that will give them genuine advice.
And yes, I know I could just turn down the difficulty, and I am tempted to do that, but then I would feel guilty for cheating. Besides, in the past I played on the highest difficulty, so playing it at normal is kinda pushing it for me already. And yes, it really makes no sense why turning the difficulty down makes the game harder. I noticed this with nwn2 (the highest difficulty was actually the easiest, and the middle the hardest). Of course, that game was made by a different company, so....

New User
Registered: Dec 2013
From United States
Posted February 07, 2017
low rated
This game really likes to troll you...
Decided to start a new character, was a straight-up rogue. I can't even get out of the tutorial level. That mage at the end just slaughters me. I can only get in one attack roll before he offs me.
So yeah, either if you want to be capable of combat, which this game requires, you have to accept that 75% of the game's content will be off-limits to you.
Great fucking design. Now that I'm older and wiser, I am really starting to question if this 'game' is even worth it.
I want nothing to do with the community anyway. I mean, seriously, its a community where their primary form of entertainment is ethnic-cleansing. Seriously here. The game doesn't have to be that way, everyone just makes it that way. Honestly, I've been having a crisis of conscience anyway. I mean you really think about it, enjoying a fantasy rpg is worse than thinking black face is funny. At least you're not fantasizing about killing minorities. Hell, rpers even dress in black-face from time to time, just look at anyone who cosplays as a drow. Whom everyone views as evil, and are openly racist. Its a white-supremist's dream! To be able to dress in black face while cosplaying as a super-human racist. Seriously here.
Decided to start a new character, was a straight-up rogue. I can't even get out of the tutorial level. That mage at the end just slaughters me. I can only get in one attack roll before he offs me.
So yeah, either if you want to be capable of combat, which this game requires, you have to accept that 75% of the game's content will be off-limits to you.
Great fucking design. Now that I'm older and wiser, I am really starting to question if this 'game' is even worth it.
I want nothing to do with the community anyway. I mean, seriously, its a community where their primary form of entertainment is ethnic-cleansing. Seriously here. The game doesn't have to be that way, everyone just makes it that way. Honestly, I've been having a crisis of conscience anyway. I mean you really think about it, enjoying a fantasy rpg is worse than thinking black face is funny. At least you're not fantasizing about killing minorities. Hell, rpers even dress in black-face from time to time, just look at anyone who cosplays as a drow. Whom everyone views as evil, and are openly racist. Its a white-supremist's dream! To be able to dress in black face while cosplaying as a super-human racist. Seriously here.

Old User
Registered: Sep 2011
From France
Posted February 07, 2017
Mandatory.. GIT GUD! :D