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Banned because the mere thought of that is disgusting
Banned for disgusting thoughts.
Banned because that thought was not properly discussed
Banned because you are a scaredy cat, ergo nothing can be properly discussed; i wonder if you ever operated on a corpse, for anatomy, on either art lessons or medicine lab.
Post edited October 11, 2019 by KiNgBrAdLeY7
Banned for mentioning forensics and not mentioning the hit show forensic files

(Also for not accepting my friend invite yet....hint hint)
Banned for giving a second hint before the first was accepted.
Banned for not being a medical illustrator
Banned for trying to recruit people for you medical fiction books.
Banned for equating medical science to fiction
Banned for writing fake illustrated medical books to confuse kids about the peepee and the hoohaa.
Banned for reminding me of that part from Kindergarten Cop(with the kids talking about random stuff)
Banned because this is an adult forum; no place for kindergarden stuff.
Banned because what else would they talk about?

GameRager: Banned for equating medical science to fiction
Banned because supposedly, Rodney Dangerfield donated his body to science fiction.
Banned for not realizing that Gog is only for small talk(like the weather and sports ball), the odd contest, and maybe some game talk.....maybe.

(Also nice bit about RD)
Post edited October 12, 2019 by GameRager
Banned for not mentioning that Rodney Dangerfield was the sweatiest comedian ever... hilarious, but Prince of Perspiration in perpetuity